Olivia_H wrote:
I read a lot about people on the spectrum having a hard time recognising faces but I feel like I have the complete opposite of this.
My mind will instantly find where I've seen a certain face before, it's not something I have to try and do, it's almost like a face I've seen before triggers some kind of response in my brain and it instantly flicks through potential matches and then it finds the correct one, this is all done in a matter of milliseconds. It can be someone as insignificant as someone I've only seen for 5 seconds as an extra on a TV show.
For example, I was just watching a video and a womans face flashed for about 0.5 of a second and my mind instantly pinpointed where I'd seen her before, an episode of House MD and I don't even watch House MD, I just saw a clip on YouTube once. Sometimes it's really annoying if my brain can't pinpoint things 100% perfectly and it'll bug me until it figures it out.
Again, this isn't something I consciously do although I can. It happens all the time and it gets quite annoying actually, especially if I'm watching something and my brain see's several faces it recognises and goes through the "slide-show of face memories" to pinpoint them.
Is this one of those situations where one can be "hyper" or "hypo" in response to facial recognition?
Are you the same way with people in real life? Because I can recognize people from TV/films easily, but I definitely experience face blindness in real life, perhaps because eye contact is an issue in real life, but not with watching TV.