JimSpark wrote:
I'll wear shorts instead of long pants anytime I can, too.
Likewise; I wish we had the climate here to do it more often, but I'm always first to dig them out in Spring and pack them away in Autumn. If I have to wear shoes and long trousers in hot weather, it's not unusual that I get a heat rash that works its way up my legs from my ankles.
JimSpark wrote:
I keep buying the same brand/style/color of shoe over and over.
Yes; I get very annoyed when the styles are changed too often; if I had the money and space, I'd just buy a lifetime's supply outright of a good one.
SplendidSnail wrote:
my core is too cold but my feet are way too hot
I can never quite decide if it's a sensory thing or something to do with circulation. I generally have warm hands too, enough that it's been commented on by people. In cold weather, I can be shivering under several layers yet not feel the need for gloves.
ladyelaine wrote:
I like flip flops for every day wear
My Mum swears by them, and not just for everyday wear; she hikes over moors in them and up mountain tracks. Whatever it is with my feet, she definitely has it too. The noise they make drives me a bit bonkers though!
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.