What sort of things do they do that make you feel bad?
Have you sat down with your parents and explained things, how you feel.
"Mom, Dad, when you (do/say) ______, I feel ______".
As a parent myself, I can honestly say that I know I say and do things which make my child feel bad, but I don't do them intentionally or don't realize I'm doing them. I'm constantly reviewing my actions and still trying to learn. If there is something that bothers him and he was to tell me, I'd definitely try not to repeat it. If you don't tell us, we may not know. Sometimes parents just don't know better, we can be pretty dumb sometimes. Parenting a 100% an on the job learning experience.
I'm not trying to excuse your parents, just giving my perspective/experience as a parent. If your parents are doing it because they know it bothers you, that's definitely a problem with them and that's not OK.
Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.