I don't know what that is, beyond that it's some sort of moth, of course. I love almost all arthropods, except I'm wary of wasps and centipedes, but as long as they leave me alone, all is well. I keep a lidded cup from a restaurant specifically for the purpose of catching and releasing the occasional wasp that gets into our house, and as long as the house centipedes keep their distance, I don't mind them staying in the basement, although something about the angle of their legs bothers me, and their speed makes me a bit worried that they may run onto me, and I only like arthropods on me if I invite them. But they eat insects and spiders, including the brown recluses that live in the area, so they are welcome to stay in the basement, as far as I'm concerned. Other centipedes I also treat with great caution because I read in a Hawai'i guidebook that centipede bites can feel like anything from a bad bee sting (house centipedes fall on this end) to a gunshot wound.
Arthropods were actually my very first special interest, and as such will always hold a special place in my heart. My parents say one of my first words was "caterpillar," and one of my earliest memories is of encouraging a spider to climb onto a book I was holding, so I could "hold" it without risking a bite.
Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
-H. P. Lovecraft, "The Outsider"