firemonkey wrote:
Is that sometimes facts can be interspersed with a negative picture of you that reflects a deep rooted antipathy/resentment towards you.
A picture that is removed from how things actually were. It can be as much about passing negative comment as it can be about providing supporting details to help with your assessment. That's the situation with the letter my sister wrote.
Okay...let me get this straight.
Your sister wrote a letter to the doctor summarizing her lifelong experience of knowing you- and this letter was for the purpose of helping the doc diagnose you vis-à-vis the autism spectrum. Kinda like how both my girlfriend and my sister went to my specialist in person to be interviewed about me (partially in leu of both of my parents being unavailable).
I cant tell whether you actually saw the letter, or are just afraid of what the letter says. But it sounds like you have some bad blood between yourself and your sister, and that you're afraid that your sister will say something hostile about you in the letter that will somehow sabotage your diagnosis.
I wouldn't worry about it.
The more honest your sister is, and frankly... maybe even the more hostile the letter is, the better.
Sounds like you're worried that your sister will say something like "he is NOT psychotic...he is just batshit crazy!"
(not the you're psychotic. Substitute "psychotic" with "autistic", and substitute "crazy" with reasons someone might get angry at you for reasons that have to do with your possible autism, and you get what I mean).
The more angry she gets the more she might actually say the very things that support your diagnosis.