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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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28 Sep 2018, 3:57 am

I'm thinking that my brother might be on the spectrum aswell. I haven't told anyone that I think of this but some of his traits fit (and it runs in family, me and my cousin have it, my dad seems like he could have it too).

My brother is 20. He has one good friend that he has known since he was six, and a few other pals who he knows only through this 'best' friend, who also happens to be very extroverted, dragging my introvert brother into parties and such sometimes. He has online friends through gaming, from all over the world. The way my brother lives currently is this (and has been for many years): he plays computer games in a dark room, curtains closed and it's a mess in there, he can't keep places organized. He talks quite little, but I seem to be on the same wavelenght with him, we have similar humor, we say stupid and made-up words and sentences in silly tones of voices to each other, thing I can't do with my sister for example. He has been aggressive at times, especially regarding playing too much computer or playstation games, his school went badly in high school but he has done fine after that. He hasn't had a proper job in his life though.

I might delete this later, I just had to write my thoughts somewhere...


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28 Sep 2018, 10:41 am

I've enjoyed reading your post. It looks like you have a lot of fun with your brother. I wish my sister were that close.

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28 Sep 2018, 10:53 am

I don't see anything particularly "Spectrumly" in what you've described.

Does he get REALLY upset if his daily routine is messed with?

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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28 Sep 2018, 12:24 pm

We do have fun, I see him too little.

Well he does get upset when someone tries to make him stop playing games, he has been hitting doors with hockey sticks and broken things in angry moods.

Not in other situations, though.


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28 Sep 2018, 1:07 pm

How old is he?

If he's over 21, then that behavior is quite inappropriate, and could be a sign of some sort of disorder.

If he's under 18, he could either be a spoiled brat, or have some sort of disorder. Video games seem to do harmful things to some people. It makes them impatient, and have a short attention span sometimes.

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28 Sep 2018, 8:47 pm

I would think he is just a gamer and obsessed of playing games. Jusk ask him whether he is able to feel the emotions of other people. If he is able to do so then it's very unlikely that he is on the autism spektrum.


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28 Sep 2018, 8:53 pm

I'm so dumb. He's 20.

He shouldn't be getting upset over games. He should be in University, or in some sort of vocational program.

I feel he needs at least some counseling, because his temper will not do him good with other people of his age.


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29 Sep 2018, 4:43 am

I don't think a few lines of information is enough for anyone to decide whether he is on the spectrum or not.

If he is open to it and wants it, then perhaps a proper assessment by a professional would be a more sensible way to find out if he is on the spectrum. It could be useful for him or not.

Counselling could be a start though if he has difficulties which interfere with having a satisfactory life.

He is lucky to have a loving sister who cares about his welfare.


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29 Sep 2018, 10:25 am

Honestly, it's hard to tell if someone is autistic unless they are given a comprehensive,unbiased examination of sorts.;however, I recall how my neice would often bang her head on doors when she was very long, something that I often seen with some, though not all autistic persons, yet when she was a teenager, she was diagnosed as having bipolard disorder.

I'm an extremely vulnerable person. Vulnerability and emotion are very closely linked.