I"m descending into a familiar, crazy emotional cycle

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19 Oct 2018, 10:25 pm

So when someone starts withdrawing from, I go kind of crazy sometimes, especially if we were close (validation is super important to me) and if I got used to talking or venting to them a lot. Also, especially if they were into me/I was into them at some point. I go crazy and start texting them more and more and my anxiety cranks up more, because I'm afraid that they're withdrawing from men, and I begin to push them away even more. It becomes almost obsessive on my part and I can't stop, pretty much until its too late. Each time they text back or talk to me again, it just makes it worse.

This is basically happening right now with a (formerly?) super close friend, who I briefly had a FWB thing. I hurt her when we ended it but we patched things up and were on track to being close again, but stuff got in the way again. On top of all that, I often will start becoming super wishy washy about having feelings for them, and thinking I do or don't, and just going back and forth, and it causes me lots of anxiety. Personally, I don't want to deal with this, but I would loooove to stay friends with her, because I think she's just great (i'm not even obsessed with her as a person tbh).


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19 Oct 2018, 10:45 pm

Put your phone in some safe place that will remind you to stop texting her.
What would be the ideal things for you to do instead of the way you've handled it in the past?

It can feel like you are out of control and that you can't stop your forward momentum - but you can, you just have to work at it and learn a new path. You have to keep telling yourself that you have a choice. You can change course and do it differently this time.

This is what I try telling myself when I feel myself hurtling towards the same mistakes. It is helping me to think differently and try to do things differently in my life.