For some reason this is usually a controversial topic in forums on Autism. My opinion, we need a nation state of some type for people like us. Why? Well firstly, there are certainly people who hate us and want us exterminated, just like the Jews during the 1930s. Don't believe this, just spend ten minutes at ASPartners or Kiwi Farms. I do not see high functioning Autism as a disease, just a difference, and we would thrive in a properly supportive environment.
Some objections I get: #1: We are not social, and wouldn't mate. I don't think this would be true in an Aspie nation, because I am always more social with people like myself. But also, the NTs would do the mating for us. How many here have two NT parents? I certainly do. An aside, I've often wondered why NTs view pooping out yet another needy brat as the peak of achievement, but that is neither here nor there.
#2: We invent nothing and would laze around like chimps. To this, I would point to places in Africa and South America where neurodiversity is all but unknown. In those places, the NTs have invented no science and almost no technology. My hypothesis is that all or nearly all of that comes from people not wired NT. Was Einstein on the spectrum? Possibly. But its impossible that he was NT. Same for Darwin, Newton, Tesla, and pretty much all the great scientists that made the really big advances. John Elder Robinson was a self taught genius in electronics FSS. And he counts it as a positive good that he has lost some of this in favor of new social skills? That's just NT brainwashing. Achievements of this type are no good to them if you are also socially awkward and don't have 50 brats to take care of.
V "Live Long and Prosper"