Upcoming psych appointment
I now have an appointment with my old psychatrist only two days from now. She in the past didn't think I had an ASD and instead she had me down as Schizoaffective Bp type, general anxiety and borderline. I'm seeing her soon because I'm having depression, anxiety, and irritability, but it was actually brought on by seeing an ornithology grad assistantship online that was so interesting to me but I realize I am not the ideal candidate and it made me upset. I even impusively bought a GRE study guide that now I realize I don't know why I did.
Plus I'm having a side issue where my husband is getting and needing constant attention for his medical issues and my own needs are getting neglected.
Anyway I can't seem to focus if I should bring up autism again, or even if it would be helpful in this case.
Crazy Bird Lady!! !
Also likes Pokemon
Avatar: A Shiny from the new Pokemon Pearl remake, Shiny Chatot... I named him TaterTot...
FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020
My sense is, right now, the important thing is to cope with your current circumstances. Exploring an autism diagnosis is a fairly open-ended, complex topic, so maybe it's better postponed till a future appointment. How soon can you see the doctor again? If it's a month or two, you might mention that you will want to discuss autism assessment at your next appointment. If it's six months, then you might want to squeeze it into this appointment; or ask what you can be doing on your own to move forward. You could also ask why she thinks you don't have autism - make her do the intellectual effort, not you
However she responds, do not get emotionally derailed but try to process what is being said. Try to be in the moment in your appointment, not racing ahead to what-ifs and so on.
A finger in every pie.