It's confusing though because whenever I read about social anxiety or introvert people, it always says things like "unsure of what to do in social situations, would prefer to stay at home instead of attending a night out, feel exhausted after socialising, don't like small talk, etc", and they are all autism traits even though what I'm reading is not to do with autism and doesn't even mention autism.
You could argue that people with social anxiety are still interested in other people and making friends and can read non-verbal social cues, but I'm Aspie (with social anxiety) and I like people, I'm interested in people, I do like socialising and getting emotionally involved and I am interested in things like small talk and gossip. But I still have Asperger's because I was a social outcast as a teenager and had no friends, and having no friends is unusual for a teenager but is common in Aspie teenagers.