quite an extreme wrote:
Arganger wrote:
Then again, there are worse things than being forced not to risk your life.
Right but it's not only this. It's also the treatment of people. But if you like to lay down in the mud or to jump as soon as somebody wants you to do it and to have nothing to say at all once you dislike something than it may be your thing. Once I was in the army in east Germany it made me hard. Because of my lack of empathy I would have killed without even feeling bad about this. But I think that it's good that I didn't had to do so. But it's what you have to expect - to be treated like sh*t and to be forced to kill other people that you don't even know. And the USA always tries to wage a war or to cause a war anywhere in the world because of the political influence of the military-industrial complex who wants to sell weapons. But is this really what you want to live for?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_ ... operationsOne last thing. Women weren't really accepted in the army and more thought as that they just attended the army to become layd by officers.
Most of the people I have known who have been in the army did take with them the memories of those they killed. They did feel remorse for it. It's just that they felt what they were fighting for was more important. I personally disagree with that but conviction is good regardless.
I am told a story of my father, who while in the military ended up having to deal with and bring to Justice a guy who killed his own daughter. Yet he still visited him in prison despite the fact that he was completely disgusted by it.
I get more annoyed sometimes by the people who have not served in the military but still support it in their own words. Like once in awhile reading a Facebook post, generally one of those stupid share bait posts that they happen to share, but would be congratulating someone for the amount of kills they got or something like it was a video game. That I can't stand.
Diagnosed autistic level 2, ODD, anxiety, dyspraxic, essential tremors, depression (Doubted), CAPD, hyper mobility syndrome
Suspected; PTSD (Treated, as my counselor did notice), possible PCOS, PMDD, Learning disabilities (Sure of it, unknown what they are), possibly something wrong with immune system (Sick about as much as I'm not) Possible EDS- hyper mobility type (Will be getting tested, suggested by doctor) dysautonomia