Planetarium wrote:
How could you not care about 'celebrity' but care for 'likes' when they're both connected?
No, because my facebook "friends" are mostly my former classmates, and I get very embarrassed if my posts don't get as much likes as they do.
On the other hand, my Twitter is very popular (4000+ followers) because I only talk about Nintendo games on my Twitter, and all my friends/ fans are Nintendo fans.
(And I didn't add any former classmates on my Twitter)
My posts on Twitters can easily get 100+ likes.
No offense, but I resent my former classmates.
I absolutely hated the fact that I went to an all-girl's school.
I truly believe that I would be way more popular if I went to a co-ed school.
33leo33 wrote:
Don't worry about being popular. I went through a phase where I thought that my popularity would equate to my standard "success" in life, but this is simply not true.
Why not try to bring your passion to people in a way that would also get them interested? Maybe start a YouTube channel, start a blog, or share your science and tech projects. Basically, turn your interest into a spectacle.
I actually had a Nintendo Youtube channel with 3000+ subs, but then I found it too stressful.
I deleted it after losing a bet with somebody (which was an excuse to delete my Youtube channel)
I kept my Twitter accounts though.
One had 1000+ followers and the other has 4000+ followers.
I just get very nervous and embarrassed when I don't get a lot of likes.
I'm not sure what type of disorder that is.