zen_mistress wrote:
Have you ever been to one?
Been diagnosed by one?
What sort of therapies do they perform for people on the spectrum?
I am thinking of going to one. Im not sure what might come out of it. Perhaps I will try and get a dyspraxia diagnosis.
Yes,am have an OT as part of the social services learning disability team.
she is not a specialist in ASD though.
She adapts everything am assessed as needing,such as specialist padding on the walls [for headbanging], bed specially attached to the wall to stop am breaking it up or getting underneath for pressure,special alarms etc.
She deals more with physical stuff,and am being assessed by her for a hoist when back home again [am have temperary paralysis from waist down when too sensory overloaded,cant get onto bed or toilet and staff in current place are not allowed to lift due to health and safety rules].
Am not sure if OTs are even able to diagnose ASDs or if they're qualified enough [even developmental OTs]?
sorry if it sounds obvious,but make sure to go to a specialist,and not a regular OT,as it's very limited in what will get unless need a lot of physical adaptions and aids.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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