EzraS wrote:
So a lot of times I see certain bad human nature characteristics applied to neurotypicals that autistics are supposed to be devoid of. But I know from so much personal experience that is often not the case.
Based on my extensive observation, autistics are just as diverse as neurotypicals when it comes to human nature.
Like was said:
DystopianShadows wrote:
Everyone, regardless of if they're autistic or not, has good and evil in them.
But Autistics are less likely to have "bad human nature characteristics" than NTwits
Rodland wrote:
My impression is that people who are slightly autists might often be more suitable for manipulating others that people on average because slight autism does not often decrease abilities for manipulation but may imply considerable additional emotional distance towards other people.
Autistics have to feel the emotions others are feeling to recognize how they are feeling so they don't want to knowly do something that they know will cause someone suffering.
Case in point Hilter who had Aspergers. He viewed Jews as cosmic evil yet he viewed not being able to rid them of judaism as he biggest failure as fuhrer. People hear "The final solution" and think that it means the solution that that will solve the jewish problem for good. when it actually was referring to was that they tired everything else and it was the last solution left.
I can't imagine a NTwit being able to to view someone as Cosmic evil and still have Emotional Empathy for them.
I must insist that you call me Mahatma so that people won't believe it.