Arganger wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
Autism has never done anything for me.
Try to think of something, even if it is very small
Well I am trustworthy but most of my family are trustworthy so I suppose it's how I've been brought up. I am often selfless and thoughtful and I can put myself into other people's shoes, but apparently that is not an Aspie trait, so it's probably just a personality trait inherited from my NT parents, especially my mother.
The special interests I used to have just got me into trouble and made me look like a stalker, so nothing good came out of that. They were more like obsessions or fascinations than special interests, as I think special interests are based more on facts or hobbies, where as an obsession is based more on social relationships or sexual crushes.
I can be playful, not like childish, but as in fun. Like if my boyfriend cooks a dinner when I come in from work and I don't know what it is, I get him to take the plate from the microwave or oven and I shut my eyes and have a sniff to guess what it is. It's probably rather abnormal but my boyfriend thinks it's funny and he tells me I have a fun way of doing things. But I do have ADHD as well, so it might be a form of hyperactivity too.