Does anyone on here have nonverbal learning disorder?

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06 Oct 2016, 10:19 pm

Apparently it's pretty similar to autism, but I know one of the major differences is that it's more difficult to find your way around/navigate and there's also more balance issues/ issues w motor skills. Personally I have a lot of trouble w navigation.

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06 Oct 2016, 10:32 pm

No balance issues, however sometimes I get completly disoriented and can't remember where I came in, where I swear my left becomes my right and my right is my left meaning things get flipped on me.(meaning I will temporarily walk to the opposite side of the checkout stand or exit of a large store.


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07 Oct 2016, 6:05 pm

I have Nonverbal Learning Disorder--in the sense that I can't, say, learn to build something based upon visual representations. I need verbal instruction, and hands-on instruction. An instruction manual giving visual instructions, rather than verbal instructions, will make me feel like I'm reading Greek.

I have slight problems in balance. My sense of direction is okay--though I get "turned around" sometimes.


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08 Oct 2016, 12:25 pm

I have diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome but I suppose that in USA or Canada I would be daignosed with NVLD instead of ASD. On Weschler's IQ test I had VIQ=126 and PIQ=104. I am quite poor in visual thinking, unlike many people with ASD. I can read graphs, maps and clock. I learned how to ride a bike quite early but I have problems with playing volleyball and quite lately learned how to tie the shoelaces. I am very interested in NVLD, I think that it is bad name and "NVLD" is often a pervasive developmental disorder, not just a learning disability.

Emu Egg
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09 Oct 2016, 10:50 am

My 17yo son was recently diagnosed with ASD-1 and NVLD. I really can't figure out how NVLD differs from some of the core symptoms of ASD. My son was diagnosed with NVLD because of the huge difference in his verbal comprehension index (138) and his perceptual reasoning index (79). He has no problems with balance or directions, and in fact seems to have a very good sense of direction. He's very good at reading graphs and charts. His problems are with things like drawing (for example, it's pretty impossible for him to draw even a halfway decent stick figure), using scissors and things like that.

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09 Oct 2016, 12:08 pm

Greetings. When I went for my psychoeducational assessment, I saw her notes, and she had NVLD as a question mark, but this was before any testing. My verbal and performance IQ aren't that much different (106 and 102 respectfully). People say people would really want the scores I got, but for general IQ, everything is pretty much average. I went off topic, sorry.

But I have fine-motor skills problems though. I have trouble drawing and handwriting. I'm unsure about tying my shoes as I can tie my shoes fine. I can't use scissors that well. I have problems cutting straight and curving. I prefer if others cut things out for me if it isn't just a straight line.

Plus, I'm really good at math. My SS was 115 for general math knowledge. I don't like graphing though or geometry, but I'm not bad at them.

So no, I don't have NvLD, but have some similar problems related to NvLD.

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 148 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 60 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)

Dx Autism Spectrum Disorder - Level 1, learning disability - memory and fine motor skills, generalized and social anxiety disorder
Unsure if diagnosed with OCD and/or depression, but were talked about with my old/former pdoc and doctor.

Criteria for my learning disability is found at this link:


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09 Oct 2016, 2:48 pm

My atrocious working memory and poor ability to visualise objects make it very easy for me to lose my way, especially in foreign places. I think I must be in the minority as I can seldom remember the names of streets, roads and landmarks.

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10 Oct 2016, 4:46 am

I rather have no problem with remembering of landmarks and roads, but I have not "GPS in head". I think rather in words than in pictures. My practical visualisational skills are not so large. I had very high result in Arithmetic in IQ test. My IQ profile looks NVLD-like due to significant gap between VIQ and PIQ.


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16 Jan 2019, 1:25 am

I am not certain if I have NVLD or not. My IQ test suggested, according to Rabin and Piedmont formula, schizoaffective disorder. My Information result (17) was 8 "large" points higher than Object Assembly result (9). It looks pretty NVLDish.

I had poor results in Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) which is about executive functioning. All results were not better than 15th percentile, some were below 5th. In "learning of learning" I scored not better than 1st percentile. There is contrast between my verbal comprehension and arithmetic results in Wechsler test (which were generally above average) and my WCST results (which were below average). I think that mild NVLD may be the cause of my poor executive functioning. Not schizophrenia or autism. And not OCD, I was told by a psychologists that people with pure OCD do not have poor WCST results (or something like that).

In Stroop test (during which I drew figures, shapes which were presented before me visually) I did four errors while the norm is zero or one error. It may suggest that I have not very mild NVLD or, even more, no NVLD. I could say that I have mild NVLD. I have quite poor visual memory which is in contrast with my high Verbal Comprehension Index (125, if I remembered it well). My Perceptual Organization Index (POI) was 100, 25 points (above 1,5 SD) lower than VCI.


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16 Jan 2019, 1:32 pm

I have NVLD along with a diagnosis of ASD, level 1. I think that's why I'm so much lower functioning than most other level 1 autistics I've encountered. Many of my ASD-related issues are compounded by NVLD, such as the processing difficulties I have. My NVLD traits are:
- Severe difficulty with visual processing (this is my biggest impairment)
- Poor conversational skills (prone to tangents, no filter, etc.)
- Impaired abstract reasoning skills (as low as .4 percentile on some tasks)
- Short attention span (not the case with auditory information, interestingly enough)

It affects my academic performance to some extent. I doubt that I'll ever understand the more abstract concepts in Geometry, for example. I also have some mild trouble with reading comprehension - I have to reread passages a few times, depending on how dense the style is. I've always had trouble with navigation, too, getting turned around easily even in familiar buildings. And I can't handle navigational directions at all.

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16 Jan 2019, 1:43 pm

Did you have ever Wechsler IQ test? Have you ever been in job? Do you have any disability benefits? I have quite large disability benefits in Poland: social pension and ruling of total incapability of work, care allowance and certificate of moderate level of disability. I got about 1000 PLN (about 250 $) every month. I had dysharmonic IQ profile (VIQ 22 points higher than PIQ). I am diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, mixed obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizotypal. I got four psychiatric drugs now: paroxetine, olanzapine, chlorprothixene, sulpiride.

I think that I have NVLD without ASD despite quite low interest in social relationships, obsessive interests, stims, poor eye contact. But I also think that NVLD with social inadequacy and peculiarity is a subtype of PDD and some individuals with it should be labelled as having autism. I have such an "autistic NVLD".

My visual-spatial impairments are not so large, I had good or quite good results in Block Design and Coding. I am poor in visualising things, especially in three dimensions. My clumsiness is also rather mild, although I don't have feeling of rhythm and was very, very poor in volleyball.