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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

Joined: 23 Oct 2019
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Posts: 49
Location: Fort Washington, Pennsylvania

27 Oct 2019, 12:15 am

About a year before my Dad died from lung cancer, he asked me why I wet the bed when I was 12...
That's a sign that I abused you...
I bought you everything..when did I abuse you.

I told him...
You're right, it is a sign of abuse...
And the fact is, that bed was soaked, because you did abuse me.

It doesn't matter what you think is abuse or how much you intellectualize it, lie to yourself about it, rationalize it, twist it or bend it...
The fact is, welts, bruises, cuts and concussions is abuse.

As is neglect.

He asked me how he neglected me.

I told him..

You neglected me, by keeping me in Philadelphia, With Asperger Syndrome.
That's how you neglected me.

You also neglected me, by keeping in a school system that you knew for a fact was failing me and violating my rights.

Suing them, is retribution.
It's not a fix of the situation.
In fact suing them, while right... Means it's time to get out of that system.

And all those trips to ocean city, Atlantic City while a modicum of it still existed...
And to Disney World...
And to New York City...

And video games...
Doesn't matter matter one damn iota.

Shut up gifts, that's what's what they were.

You don't heal wounds with gifts.
You heal them with time... And not doing it again...ever.

And you're lucky that you're dying of cancer at 73....
And not of my foot.

He told me to leave.

That's how I moved out on my own.