ezbzbfcg2 wrote:
Mapofsteel wrote:
I often feel that I have little, if anything, in common with neurotypicals, and even if I do, it does not manifest in me the same way it does in them. Does anyone else ever feel this way?
Agreed entirely.
Wanted to (try) to elaborate.
Most people, typical of this forum, are making statements about their own situation. Typical and short-sighted stock answers will include things like:
-- people are people, NT or AS
-- I don't have anything in common with NTs
or Aspies
-- It varies, some NTs I like and some Aspies I like, and the other way around, too. It's not about neurotype...
But none of these people are addressing your statement directly. I agree, OP, I think NTs experience the world fundamentally differently than we do. Not just talking about experience, but overall perception. It's hard to describe, and it's the blind leading the blind as I'm in no position to know how NTs think. But in their shoes, if we could inhabit an NT's mind for a day, I think we'd be amazed just HOW different the way they perceive things is. For better or worse.
I think many Aspies here haven't taken that next step. They focus on themselves and their social shortcomings and question behaviors of NTs. None address this point you made, but I'm with you. I think the NT
PERCEPTION of reality is alien to our own. Not just behavior, or social response, etc. Overall perception. I wish I could elaborate and articulate it better, but I hear you OP. And I think many of us are too clueless (or afraid) to recognized just HOW different they experience things vs. the way we do.