Why are people so obsessed with me talking?

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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17 Jan 2019, 1:25 am

It's so frustrating... whenever I'm in a group they'll single me out and say "she never talks." "why doesn't she talk to anyone?" yet they never try to talk me first or include me in the group! Sometimes I'll find one person to talk to, but then they'll say "Well she only talks to ONE person." Additionally, they'll harass that one person when I'm not there and ask them questions about me. There were people at my college campus who I didn't even know, who knew my name even though I never talk!

It's driving me nuts because I just want to blend in and I hate all this attention.

Additionally, there will be other quiet people and I notice that that they'll be left alone/invisible and ignored. Why do people keep singling me out/ How the hell do I get people to leave me alone?


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17 Jan 2019, 1:17 pm

I had people either say, "I wasn't talking to you" (even though I wasn't interrupting or jumping into a private conversation) or "stop moaning" (even though I was just talking in a matter-of-fact sort of way), and so when I decided to remain silent in a social situation with these people I was asked why I'm so quiet.



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17 Jan 2019, 1:23 pm

Unless you're adept at "small talk", you will likely be criticized for complaining, changing the subject, or taking over the conversation.


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17 Jan 2019, 1:26 pm

These people are the ones who should learn to mind their own beeswax, and are also hypocrites, since they are the ones who barged into your conversation, saying things like "Hush!", " I wasn't talking to you!", and "Mind your own business!", in the first place!

People can be such insensitive idiots. That's all I have to say. :roll:

Pileated woodpecker
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17 Jan 2019, 2:05 pm

I’ve had this happen to me many times before. It’s like they somehow know I’m on the spectrum, even if it’s “just traits”, and they quietly use this as an excuse to nitpick everything I do and critize every part of me that doesn’t fit in with their own agenda.

Other people don’t talk, fine, I don’t talk, I’m the “quiet one”, I can’t win. Every move someone else makes, everything they wear, the way they walk, talk, look etc... it’s all fine, but to an NT all of these things are “weird”. I try not to let it wind me up but it gets me down severely some of the time. The people around me micromanage my every move.

Nope you’re not the only one.

"Subclinical autistic traits" (atypical autism).
Normal intelligence, social and language development.

"vulnerable narcissistic defenses w/ mild borderline traits"; Body Dysmorphic Disorder, (self-diagnosed).

Our internal representation of reality: (http://bit.ly/2BJuj5o)

Snowy Owl
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17 Jan 2019, 2:27 pm

This has happened to me many times. People would mock me for being quiet, but it didn’t matter if other people were quiet. I’m guessing it’s because they saw me as different or odd in some way while those other people were “just quiet”. I’ve also had people, usually extreme NTs, develop a bit of an odd obsession with me and obsesss over everything I did. It’s like everything I said, wore and did was a topic of discussion and needed to be mocked or picked apart in someway. I don’t even dress that weird. I don’t get it. I do feel like these people may have suspected I was on the spectrum, even if subconscious.

quite an extreme

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17 Jan 2019, 6:18 pm

hollowmoon wrote:
Additionally, there will be other quiet people and I notice that that they'll be left alone/invisible and ignored. Why do people keep singling me out/ How the hell do I get people to leave me alone?

I already guessed that you are looking pretty nice. NT girls think about themself being higher in the social hierarchy if they are always with the prettiest other girls. That's why they try to socialize with you and fail because you aren't talkative. I know that you don't like to talk much to people that you don't know because of your difficulties to understand indirect or nonverbal stuff in language. I think it's better to talk to people that you can trust only.
LisaM1031 wrote:
It’s like everything I said, wore and did was a topic of discussion and needed to be mocked or picked apart in someway.

Many NT girls see nice looking girls as concurrence and are jealously on them because of this. They think about themself being better if they cause others to think worse about you. Don't care too much about those girls. Keep always a bit of a good mood and be friendly to others. That makes them fail because nobody believes them. But I think some women here can explain all this pecking order stuff of teenager girls much better.

I am as I am. :skull: :sunny: :wink: :sunny: :skull: Life has to be an adventure!


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17 Jan 2019, 8:07 pm

Hollow moon

Based on your description, there is not enough data to answer your question

Plenty of precious lil "people" have had the nerve to tell me:.

:roll: "you talk too much"
:? "Why are you so quiet?"

:cry: " huh?", " What??"
:mrgreen: "sssh! Shut up"

:mrgreen: "what the f**k you looking at?"
:oops: "look at me when I am talking to you"

They do whatever they want, correct or wrong.

Some precious lil "people" are entitled lil dipshits that truly believe that they have a moral right to get whatever they want at all times. Otherwise their stupidass "rights" have been violated

For example, their "right" to be happy and do whatever they want, legal or illegal

Please do not dwell on it too much


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18 Jan 2019, 4:23 am

I don't know if this is true, it's just a pattern I've observed and have yet to confirm, but I think neurotypicals typically act how they look, especially when that kind behavior is reinforced. I've always looked really "macho" and emotionless according to others, but my internal world doesn't align with my appearance at all, or at least the appearance someone in a movie has that looks like mine.

Other people I've noticed behave in correlation to their appearance. When I'm in any social environment that requires extensive interpersonal contact, I notice people clustering into groups, and often their facial expressions and behavior are similar. Because this is part of social cues, we tend to miss this, assuming that we can be "ourselves", when everyone around us already has a preconceived idea regarding how we should behave.

To us, its just a group of people who cluster together and talk. To anyone else, someone can "look" quiet, or shy, or athletic, loud, weird, funny, etc.

Ultimately I think the easiest way to see this is to see everyone like a movie character with set roles based on appearance. You can choose whether you'd want to create a new role to blend in or behave how you want.


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18 Jan 2019, 6:46 am

^People assume everything based on the way I look. They refuse to believe what I say. When people talk about

racism and sexism I always think it is oversimplification and that there are hundreds of things about how someone

looks that are then judged against preconceived ideas that people are not aware they have. It would be good for

there to be a study done on this but studies are always done by people trying to prove a point (due to their own

preconceived ideas I suppose).


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18 Jan 2019, 11:40 pm

During my HS years, I was one of many misfits who was desperate to fit in and make friends. However, many of my peers did not like those who were desperate, so like many, I was an anonymity, an outsider.

@ OP: I agree with Uncanny Danny. There will always be hypocritical people who think they are better than everybody else because they think of themselves as smarter when in fact, they are not.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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19 Jan 2019, 12:15 am

when I was somewhere between 3 and 4, my folks took me to a pediatric shrink because I wouldn't talk. the shrink did some reverse psych with me and got in my face and shouted, "TALK!!" and I shouted back at his face, "NO!!"


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19 Jan 2019, 12:20 am

Aunt blabby

My precious lil "parents" could not be bothered to send me to a psychologist

Anonymous Anonymous

Some people are smarter than others, per Bell curve

That does not justify their morally superior innocent

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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24 Jan 2019, 1:04 pm

quite an extreme wrote:
hollowmoon wrote:
Additionally, there will be other quiet people and I notice that that they'll be left alone/invisible and ignored. Why do people keep singling me out/ How the hell do I get people to leave me alone?

I already guessed that you are looking pretty nice. NT girls think about themself being higher in the social hierarchy if they are always with the prettiest other girls. That's why they try to socialize with you and fail because you aren't talkative. I know that you don't like to talk much to people that you don't know because of your difficulties to understand indirect or nonverbal stuff in language. I think it's better to talk to people that you can trust only.
LisaM1031 wrote:
It’s like everything I said, wore and did was a topic of discussion and needed to be mocked or picked apart in someway.

Many NT girls see nice looking girls as concurrence and are jealously on them because of this. They think about themself being better if they cause others to think worse about you. Don't care too much about those girls. Keep always a bit of a good mood and be friendly to others. That makes them fail because nobody believes them. But I think some women here can explain all this pecking order stuff of teenager girls much better.

But they don’t ever try to talk TO me, they just talk behind me back. How do you explain this?

Sea Gull
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24 Jan 2019, 2:53 pm

wrongcitizen wrote:
I don't know if this is true, it's just a pattern I've observed and have yet to confirm, but I think neurotypicals typically act how they look, especially when that kind behavior is reinforced. I've always looked really "macho" and emotionless according to others, but my internal world doesn't align with my appearance at all, or at least the appearance someone in a movie has that looks like mine.

Other people I've noticed behave in correlation to their appearance. When I'm in any social environment that requires extensive interpersonal contact, I notice people clustering into groups, and often their facial expressions and behavior are similar. Because this is part of social cues, we tend to miss this, assuming that we can be "ourselves", when everyone around us already has a preconceived idea regarding how we should behave.

To us, its just a group of people who cluster together and talk. To anyone else, someone can "look" quiet, or shy, or athletic, loud, weird, funny, etc.

Ultimately I think the easiest way to see this is to see everyone like a movie character with set roles based on appearance. You can choose whether you'd want to create a new role to blend in or behave how you want.

What does someone who “looks quiet” look like?


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24 Jan 2019, 2:55 pm

auntblabby wrote:
when I was somewhere between 3 and 4, my folks took me to a pediatric shrink because I wouldn't talk. the shrink did some reverse psych with me and got in my face and shouted, "TALK!!" and I shouted back at his face, "NO!!"
