I have been out of the loop in some ways for almost four years and not on this site, so I was completely naive about this, but it seems there is a growing anti-autism, or, better put. maybe, anti-aspie movement out there which is reaching many people and will be affecting public opinion and treatment of people with autism.
Agreed. there IS a trolling kind of affect behind the way certain material is being expressed, but imo it is technically not trolling in that it is not designed to get personal attention and/or get a rise out of people, though it may, on some levels for the instigator(s). be based on over-generalization, negative emotions and even hate (and/or if it is designed or encouraged by a particulat therapist, financial gain), and I suppose trolling does have some of these kinds of characteristics, but ignoring this kind of material in this particular case is not going to make it go away/ Imo, as said previously, better to grab the bull by the horns.
Ignoring this kind of movement (yes, it seems to be a movement) is not the same as ignoring a (particular) troll. I have not had time to study it yet, except looked at it a little more this morning. There are over seventy links on this site to all kinds of material. Again, I do not believe this one woman did this all on her own. I believe that blurb written by 'herself' about her so-called self has certain earmarks of being fictional and manufactured. but I could be wrong; will present my line of reasoning about why I think it is fueled by certain therapists later.
Again, I suggest to not push this kind of thing under the rug and think/feel that by doing so it will go away. This is what people did with the concerns, some of them legitimate, of people in the US who voted for the current US president, Focusing only on ones own concerns and not taking into consideration the views and concerns of others fueled a great big social backlash, and the same kind of thing is happening globally.
Peace, Out. Have to go to the VA with my bf for an appt with a social worker. I love to go there. The people in this particular hospital, both workers and vets are very kind and they have a great cafeteria where we will go for lunch afterwards.