carlos55 wrote:
do those with asd read well but are unable to recall the story or explain it?
Reading ability varies enormously among autistic people, and it seems that both extremes of ability are more common for autistic people - for example; dyslexia is relatively more common, but at the same time, many autistic children are hyperlexic (there is some debate about whether hyperlexia is exclusively found among autistic people.)
I fit the hyperlexic category very well - I taught myself to read long before starting school, with very little instruction. However, while my spelling, vocabulary, grammar, etc. are pretty good, I often find that the meaning doesn't sink into my head at all. It isn't that I don't remember - I can quite often recall word-for-word quotes very accurately - it's that I never even made a memory of the meaning, because I didn't recognise the meaning in the first place. This struggle to find the meaning is common for hyperlexics, and can lead to problems at school, because teachers are fooled by our ability to read so fluently - they often assume that we also understood the meaning when actually we didn't, so are confused about why we can't answer questions about what we've read.
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.