Ana54 wrote:
I lived with my parents all my life and I'm shy around them. I feel awkward when in the same room as one of them. I started feeling this way a lot about 3 or 4 years ago, and it became extreme after I turned 18 and was still living with them, and has been for the last 2 years. Sometimes I get sick of the shyness and complain to them about all my problems, but then when they tell me off for bothering them with my problems I get shy again. There is no reason or other explanation for this shyness with them, it's just shyness. When I'm around them often don't walk right or with normal posture, I don't know what to do with my hands, I don't know where to look, I can't walk right, I don't want to talk because I'm afraid I might talk too loud or too quiet or have the wrong tone of voice. I'm even conscious of when I blink. I then start to worry if I blink too much or too little or look conspicuous or awkward and I sometimes don't want attention and just to be left alone, but not the "don't bother me" kind of it, I just don't want to be even noticed or seen or looked at. But I don't want them to be conscious of the fact that I don't want to be noticed or seen or looked at, or even that I'm there.
Mind you, with your family life, that makes sense. My family life is about being open and laughing a lot, so I don't feel shy with them.