Yes, I'm the same way. My brain has to adjust to more chaotic or loud environments, just like the average person's eyes have to adjust to bright light after being in the dark. Something that I've found helps is to keep background noise going during car rides - music or podcasts, for example. Your can also make use of the ride by slowly increasing the amount of sensory input you're dealing with. That way, you don't overwhelm or shock your brain by suddenly jumping into the chaos. It's also a good idea to spend the car ride back with some kind of white noise. I've found that this can ease my mind after prolonged sensory exposure, reducing my chances of dealing with burnout. Be warned, though, that I've found this latter method puts me deeper into shutdowns. It might not be safe if you're the driver.
I have not the kind affections of a pigeon. - Ralph Waldo Emerson