Social, blond, ladylike
these are some words that make me wanna gag
when I was little I refused to say remulade, I said kremulade instead, I just didn't like saying that. I also said sanktarmsdarmsorm in stead of sankthansorm because for whatever reason I didn't like it
Kenya wrote:
Trust me. I totally know what you're going through in regards to the word "tummy". Both that word and "potty" I hate for being too juvenile sounding.
Speaking of juvenile, I can't stand it when adults say "bæsj" (poop), and least of all on national news.
Kenya wrote:
I even hated the word "child" for the longest time
that reminds me that when we learned the word child in 4th grade English class, I stubbornly stuck to kids! I was rebellious in my own ways
Kenya wrote:
I also hate certain expressions such as "rise and shine"
we use "opp og hopp" here (up and jump, literally), which always annoyed me, as when it was said I was going to school, no reason to jump up for that.
Kenya wrote:
"son of a b***h" (I'm normally pretty indifferent to profanity, but this expression I've hated because it's more of an insult to the person's mom than anything else. Seriously, what did she ever do to you that you had to drag her into this?)
To be honest, that has annoyed me too.
And it annoys me even more that the b-word is really just the name of a female canid!
Kenya wrote:
"stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about"
I think that every time I hear the brat downstairs cry!
IstominFan wrote:
One of the most universally despised words, I have read, is "moist." It conjures up a lot of negative associations.
I had no idea moist was universally despised.
Suffering dry skin I have more of a reaction to words like dry and arid. It almost feels like my fingers and dry patches go even drier just reading it.