AceofPens wrote:
I asked my neuropsychologist what it meant when I was being assessed, and she told me that it was the ability to plan and execute tasks. The definition is broad because executive function is actually a collection of skills. Executive dysfunction can stem from many different problems as a result, from a cognitive inability to fluidly switch between tasks or recognize relationships and generalize, to impaired reasoning skills, motor function, and visual processing. On WP, I've sometimes seen it compared to extreme procrastination, but my own experiences are not akin to that description at all. I think the term is sometimes used inappropriately.
That is a very good description. I often have trouble explaining it to my dad and me therapist. I can most definitely differentiate between me procrastinating and me being unable to preform a task because me brain just won't process what I have to do. They're very different things that can unfortunately appear quite similar from an outsider's perspective.