Hard time focusing to pee and other questions.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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29 Mar 2019, 2:58 am

Howdy folks.

I am brand spanking new and decided to sign up to ask a few questions with hope that I will be here to stay.

Forgive me for my odd title but it's been on my mind for a few years now. I have not yet been diagnosed for Asperger and/or Autism (yes, I know DSM V changed the definition but Asperger looks better to me rather than being a autism-blanket definition as it is today). However, I strongly suspect I have it and would like to ask some questions as an ice breaker so to speak.

1. Every time I try to pee, it's hard to tell my body to let me pee. My mind would constantly drift off and turn a simple 15 to 20 second bathroom visit into a 5 to 10 minute stay as I try to re-focus back to peeing. Does anyone have the same issues?

2. I recently felt like I finally started "waking up" around age of 30 to 35 (now 38). And even right now, I feel like my mind is 10 years behind even if I'm way ahead of my Masters program cohort's amount of knowledge in the program's topics. The questions I have is this: Did any of you feel this way? if yes, how did you get yourself to wake up? After waking up, did you feel like you're 10 years younger or behind or whatever?

3. I'm a Deaf guy (can hear with hearing aid but when it's off, 100% Deaf) but this confounding random sound-music is constantly being mumbled in my head and it's based off of no music that I know. Has anyone experienced this? How did you get it to stop?

4. Why do people find it so bloody easy to quickly deny that I might have Asperger? Even a professor that has a son with Autism was very quick in shooting down my comments about possible Asperger which is ironic because she teaches class about how to make sure clients in our future job field are included and heard. I know all about the Mask and stuff but the mask can't just fool those NT people so easily.

5. Seems to me that being Deaf with possible Asperger, the Hearing people find it easier to blame my Deafness for all the weird stuff I tend to do. Are there any Deaf Aspergers in here? Whats your story about the Hearing world?

Well, that is all the questions I have for now. I'll check back on the morrow.

Thank you in advance for any of the questions you folks might answer!

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29 Mar 2019, 4:39 am

Who’s your favorite olde poet?


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29 Mar 2019, 9:08 am

1. No. When I have to pee, the daydreaming stops and I'm focussed on not falling on the way, and then on checking for dehydration.

2. I had that with 90% amnesia for a fortnight. Now I try to sleep more regularly.

3. People going blind often have vivid hallucinations, as the brain tries to make sense of the few pixels it does see. You may have something quite similar going on. Is it worth writing down?

4. Asperger's is a partial disability, but there are many different places it can have its main effects, causing the brain to wire itself a work-around. Thus, you don't resemble a different Aspie people have known, but they expect us to be very similar.

5. I hear that deafness is a more profound disability than blindness. You'll have to decide if you identify more strongly with the deaf community or the Aspies, but odd are, you'll find another in both.

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29 Mar 2019, 12:10 pm

First off, Welcome to Wrong Planet! You sure do have one strange way of introducing yourself.

Onto your question about being a deaf Aspie - I am old and my hearing has suffered greatly because of this. I wear hearing aids most times and they are really cranked up in volume. When I am watching television, most family members complain that the volume is set too high. When I was young my hearing was fine and I loved to listen to good music. Now my hearing is more mono rather than stereo and the fidelity of the music is just not their.

When I walk for exercise I use an iPod and a clunky set of remote headphones. Although the headphones are good quality; because my hearing is degraded, what I hear is in mono and poor sound fidelity. I recently purchased a headphone based on different technology. It is called a wireless bone conduction headphones by Trekz Air. Instead of transmitting sound through the air, it transmits sound by vibration into the bones around the ear. They work well and solve my problem. I can now hear stereo and also the fidelity of the music has vastly improved. Anyways you might give these a go. It is nice to hear music like when I was back in my 20's again.

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29 Mar 2019, 2:06 pm

The quicker you finish peeing the sooner you can get back to daydreaming.

In fact I hafta run to the restroom right now!


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29 Mar 2019, 2:14 pm

Re: Daydreaming. Robert Oppenheimer used to find his office by dragging his fingernails down the wall of his hall at school, and counting the other doors.
Albert Einstein once took a very long time to re-appear from a fitting room. His wife found him writing equations on the pockets of his new pants.