Benjamin the Donkey wrote:
More serious is when I forget to do important tasks, to pay bills, where I'm supposed to be at a given time, where I'm going, how to get back home...
As for losing little things - yes, all the time. As soon as I need my hands for some other task, I simply put down whatever is currently in my hands without noticing myself doing it at all. It doesn't help that almost all small objects are "stim toys" to me; it's not unusual that I can't find what I'm looking for because I'm fiddling with it to relieve my anxiety at not being able to find it!
I also have the same kind of "junk blindness". When my mind is focused on anything else, I just don't notice that I'm stepping over and around things, etc. The piles of junk very quickly become part of my "normal" environment, as if they are just a natural feature of the world which was always there. When I do notice it, I often just end up procrastinating for hours about how I should begin sorting it out; planning all sorts of strategies that I then end up with no time "right now" to get started on. So the plan gets deferred until "later", which never comes because, by then, my mind is focused on something else again, and I don't see the problem any more. Repeat ad infinitim.
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.