jimmy m wrote:
The eyes, eyelids, eyebrows and orbicularis oculi muscle play a major role in projecting emotions and the degree of emotions. The following is a list of some of these emotions:
* disgust, contempt, upset, unhappy, miserable,
* worry, apprehension, surprise, fear, terror, controlled fear
* broad smile, smile of enjoyment, a real smile from a fake smile, angry smile, miserable smile
* dispair or grief
* slight sadness, sadness, intense sadness, agony, masked sadness
* annoyance, slight anger, anger, controlled or restrained anger, glaring anger, masked expression of anger
* perplexity, confusion, concentration, determination
The list is incomplete because there are lots more of emotions. Rage (suppressed and unsuppressed), firmness, attentiveness, arrogance for instance. There are countless more emotions and all kind of mixtures of them that you find in the faces.