Anyone here with coordination problems rollerblade?

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24 May 2009, 4:08 pm

I have a set of rollerblades in my garage. bought them I don't know how many years ago. tried once but guess I got nervous.

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-as of now official dx is ADHD (inattentive type) but said ADD (314.00) on the dx paper, PDD-NOS and was told looks like I have NLD


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24 May 2009, 4:10 pm

I've only ever tried it once/twice, I was terrible on it. Ice skating is easier, even then I'm still crap.

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24 May 2009, 4:14 pm

Ice skating is awkard but at least I don't fall down a lot.


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24 May 2009, 4:21 pm

I tried to do it once on a rollerblade path in front of the sea. I was very stiff and awkward and I couldnt do anything very fancy. If I wanted to stop I steered myself into a tree or a building. I didnt go very fast. I had fun though.

When I first put the rollerblades on outside the hire shop I didnt know what I was doing and I went hurtling down to the edge of the cliff beside the shop. I fell halfway off the cliff but luckily there was a barrier to pull myself back up. Stupid place for a cliff.


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24 May 2009, 4:22 pm

I was obsessed with rollerblading when I was younger - I went everywhere in them. And I went ice skating for a while.

I think I was alright at it, but then again I thought I was decent at riding a bike and my mum told me recently that I was actually crap at that. :o

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24 May 2009, 4:22 pm

i am quite clumsy but managed pretty well on ice skates on rollerblades.. that was some time ago though.
last time i did something requiring balance (riding a bike) i fell off.. :(


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24 May 2009, 4:27 pm

I think I was decent on them, but I didn't go that much faster than walking, tbh. Me and my friend tried to learn how to roller-skate when we were like 9, and I even went roller-skating to school once which is like... 5 miles away(and I ended up forming a blister and popping it all in the same journey, LOL).


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24 May 2009, 4:30 pm



And ice skating.

I'm told I'm really not bad at either.

I can balance well...

I can ride horses and bikes better than most.

So why do people say when I do sports:
"You're good, but you look so odd, I can't put my finger on it."

This is coming from someone who was given some motor skills training when younger and was told she had "coordination problems".


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24 May 2009, 7:13 pm

Sigh!! I cannot rollerblade, iceskate, OR get on and off a bicycle. I learned to ride a bike as a kid, with no problem, but it was a kid bike. At the age of 35, I bought an adult bike (male, because I had heard they are sturdier), and I can't get on and off of it without a whole lot of difficulty, usually involving falling over. One time, I attempted to ride my bike with my baby in one of those seats at the back, and when I tried to get off, I couldn't do it without tilting the bike, and the whole thing fell right over. My baby wasn't hurt, but I felt awful. I see old fat people riding all the time, and they seem to have no trouble. Once I'm on it, I can ride okay...except I can't hand signal without falling over. Or change gears. It just throws my balance off too much. It sucks, because I get really, REALLY nervous when I drive, and being able to ride a bike properly would be so useful. At some point I might try to trade my bike in for a female (step-through) model. That might help. I just kept thinking that if I kept trying then one day I'd finally get it. But no. All that's happened is that my self-esteem has plummeted to new lows, and I'm afraid to be seen on my bike anymore. "Oh, look! There's that middle-aged woman who can't seem to ride a bike. Have you ever heard of such a thing?"

Funny thing, though, no one has ever said I was uncoordinated. I mean, I've never been able to learn a dance routine or anything like that, but I was never given the impression that I'm somehow pathologically uncoordinated. Come to think of it, though, I don't like walking side by side with people, because it's hard to keep from bumping into them. Walking with my AS 11 year old, through a crowd of school kids, takes ALL of my concentration. I suppose that's a little weird, because most people seem to be able to just weave through a crowd effortlessly.

Rollerblading didn't exist when I was a kid, but I did try ice skating. I couldn't even stand up long enough to get moving. Someone told me later that my laces were probably too loose, so the next time I tried, I laced them up as tightly as possible. It didn't make a difference. My AS son tried as well, and had the same problem as me. None of his classmates had that kind of trouble.

I also have trouble hiking, because I get really nervous and unsteady coming down hills. In my past life, I was probably a tortoise or something like that. Definitely not a mountain goat.


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24 May 2009, 7:16 pm

I am uncoordinated and clumsy so I never could really learn to rollerblade and I gave it up. My big brother had a pair when they first came out back in the 80s and I never learned so I just never tried again. :( As an adult now I feel I could probably figure out how to do it, but I think it would still be tough.


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24 May 2009, 7:19 pm

I've ice skated. Roller bladed. Roller skated. I tried to backwards skate but never managed it. I tried to skate board but kept falling off. I'm better at skate boarding now.
Roller blading. Last time I did that I fell and skinned my leg.

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24 May 2009, 7:19 pm

Hell, no. When I was a kid I tried rollerskating (the old kind with 4 wheels set up sort of like a car's wheels) and couldn't stay on my feet. My coordination is astoundingly bad even for a person on the spectrum. I'd probably break my neck if I tried rollerblading.


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24 May 2009, 7:31 pm

I love to bike and rollerblade but I'm seriously afraid of skateboarding.


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24 May 2009, 8:26 pm

When I was 11 I rollerbladed and got better and better on them. I think I only did it that one year. When I was much younger, I tried to ice skate but kept falling down.


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25 May 2009, 1:08 am

I used to love rollerblading and was quite good at it, I even won a local competition once when I was 11.
But it did take a lot of practice, I could barely keep my balance the first 2 weeks I got them.


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22 Sep 2010, 11:07 am

vivinator wrote:
I have a set of rollerblades in my garage. bought them I don't know how many years ago. tried once but guess I got nervous.



Gross and fine motor control challenges can be very subtle and difficult to explain. The most insightful book I've come across is a How To (understand) Hyperactivity (book)(1981) about ADHD Inattentive by C. Thomas Wild. Wild discusses ideas like body balance, feeling the center of one's body, crossing the midline of the body, roller skating, jumping rope, walking across a moving sailboat on San Francisco Bay, etc. He reports a highly unusual, temporary, positive response to a FDA approved anti-motion medicine, Bonine.

About hemiparesis (weakness on one side of the body, not paralysis)