Sigh!! I cannot rollerblade, iceskate, OR get on and off a bicycle. I learned to ride a bike as a kid, with no problem, but it was a kid bike. At the age of 35, I bought an adult bike (male, because I had heard they are sturdier), and I can't get on and off of it without a whole lot of difficulty, usually involving falling over. One time, I attempted to ride my bike with my baby in one of those seats at the back, and when I tried to get off, I couldn't do it without tilting the bike, and the whole thing fell right over. My baby wasn't hurt, but I felt awful. I see old fat people riding all the time, and they seem to have no trouble. Once I'm on it, I can ride okay...except I can't hand signal without falling over. Or change gears. It just throws my balance off too much. It sucks, because I get really, REALLY nervous when I drive, and being able to ride a bike properly would be so useful. At some point I might try to trade my bike in for a female (step-through) model. That might help. I just kept thinking that if I kept trying then one day I'd finally get it. But no. All that's happened is that my self-esteem has plummeted to new lows, and I'm afraid to be seen on my bike anymore. "Oh, look! There's that middle-aged woman who can't seem to ride a bike. Have you ever heard of such a thing?"
Funny thing, though, no one has ever said I was uncoordinated. I mean, I've never been able to learn a dance routine or anything like that, but I was never given the impression that I'm somehow pathologically uncoordinated. Come to think of it, though, I don't like walking side by side with people, because it's hard to keep from bumping into them. Walking with my AS 11 year old, through a crowd of school kids, takes ALL of my concentration. I suppose that's a little weird, because most people seem to be able to just weave through a crowd effortlessly.
Rollerblading didn't exist when I was a kid, but I did try ice skating. I couldn't even stand up long enough to get moving. Someone told me later that my laces were probably too loose, so the next time I tried, I laced them up as tightly as possible. It didn't make a difference. My AS son tried as well, and had the same problem as me. None of his classmates had that kind of trouble.
I also have trouble hiking, because I get really nervous and unsteady coming down hills. In my past life, I was probably a tortoise or something like that. Definitely not a mountain goat.