quite an extreme wrote:
Mountain Goat wrote:
Hello. It is nice to see some positives.
I think we need a lot of more positive threads here. Being optimistic and positive is quite important to me and for this I'm trying to always be that way. It's also something that causes other people to like you.
BTW: I did just google Townsville. Seems to be a really nice place for holidays but it's a bit to far away from Germany for just dropping by.
It's quite interesting where the people here live.
Very well said Mr. Quite an Exteme,
Yes it is good to think positive.
I think something like this: Imagine there is Sky and Earth.
Between Sky and Earth there is a very overcast dark cloud.
People who 'live' under the cloud only see doom and gloom.
People who 'live' above the cloud only see joy, happiness, and a very bright future.
I personally always live above the overcast dark cloud.
I sent you a private message as I respect your privacy.
Hope to hear from you soon.
O' yes Townsville is a nice place to live, I would not trade it for the world.