ezbzbfcg2 wrote:
I don't mean that in the sense that we're "above the law."
No. Quite the contrary.
Everything we've been taught has been rules for NTs-by NTs, and they all seemingly know that we're excluded from normalcy. They expect us to respect them (godforbid we should break the rules and treat them as less-than), but they all seemingly know it's okay not to extend us the same courtesy. It's yet another rule, this one not spoken.
In our younger years, we may have been a bit baffled by this oblivious contradiction on their part. We must respect them, but it's acceptable among their ilk not to reciprocate. And how dare we hold them to their own standards or call them out on their hypocrisy. One of their rules is that it's okay for them to treat us "less than equal" than they treat each other, but we're not allowed to respond in kind.
You all know what I mean (and if you really don't, you've been insulated). Don't pretend otherwise. You know I'm right.
We're below the law.
The inmates have control of the asylum.
What can you do?
I have been saying this for a quarter of a century.
Psst! Go scarce if Fnord joins the conversation.
It annoys him when people knock NTs even if the criticism is spot on.
I think one of his relatives is an NT, poor sod.
BTW, I like the guy, but I like razzing him moreso...<chuckle>