Do we laugh or giggle at wrong times and unnecessarily

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21 Apr 2019, 3:22 pm

It annoyed me when I was reading a comment on a review for a charity I used to volunteer for and there are people there with autism as well as other conditions and NTs as well but someone on there was complaining that the staff make there own prices up and is over priced and thinks the charity shop rips people off and will never go in there again because it upset her child they had NO when something was too much and that they laughed at them and said they need to do a customer service course. It does make my blood boil hearing some people's attitudes in a place volunteered by different types of people. It's the same place where someone didn't want to be there because he said 'it was full of mongs'. I hate it in this day in age that some people have negative attitudes towards people with learning disabilities or difficulties as we are stupid and weirdos when they're not. And I don't know if they did laugh or just giggled because they weren't sure what to say during a difficult moment at customer service and did when they didn't actually mean to.

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21 Apr 2019, 3:50 pm

I used to do this regularly, to my peril. Then I became more aloof, but every once in a while it slips out.

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21 Apr 2019, 4:39 pm


My daughter usually sits far back in a movie theater while I have to sit toward the front where the wheelchair accessible seating is. When she laughs during a movie, it is too loud and raucous. I can always pick her laugh out of the crowd's.

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22 Apr 2019, 3:41 am

When people talk to me I don't react appropriately, because I take too long to process the emotional aspect of what they're saying.
My fall-back is to smile a lot, which is usually the safest and most friendly-seeming expression. But yeah, it gets very inappropriate when someone tells me something sad, like their dog just died, and I'm smirking about it...
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22 Apr 2019, 7:01 am

I do.


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22 Apr 2019, 7:53 am

I laugh when people hurt themselves. It sounds awful, and it's kind of given me a reputation for being heartless or lacking empathy. But I don't react when I get hurt - emotionally, I mean. And in the moments directly after someone has hurt themselves, it does not occur to me that they are upset. So all injuries I witness kind of strike me the same way slapstick humor does in comedies - I genuinely find it funny because to me it looks like they're hugely overreacting. As soon as I remember that other people respond to injuries with distress, I correct my response, but it usually doesn't register fast enough to prevent me from laughing. Sometimes, rarely, it doesn't register at all. My sister broke her foot in front of me once and her reaction seemed so out of proportion with the fact that she'd merely tripped that I couldn't stop giggling. If she'd communicated her pain verbally, I would've understood and stopped, but she just kept yelling and I didn't understand why. I don't know why I struggle so much with nonverbal empathy - if someone communicates their emotions verbally, I have no trouble understanding and responding whatsoever. I guess the former relies too much on body language reading?

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12 Jan 2020, 8:35 am

Sometimes I giggle out of anxiety, and it comes out at bad times.

There are other times when I'm thinking of something funny unrelated to what's going on and start laughing out loud, then people stare at me like I have three heads. It hasn't happened recently, but it's happened before. It's embarrassing when it happens at a mundane or serious/somber moment.

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