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09 Jul 2019, 3:19 pm

Why Aspie can’t handle things like NT can?


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09 Jul 2019, 3:40 pm

Because autism sucks.


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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09 Jul 2019, 4:47 pm

Because we're not NT? Our brains are literally different. It's like asking why doesn't a mac work like a windows computer.

Some things we might handle better than NTs though, depending on your personal strengths. I do well under pressure when it comes to academics for example, I can write essays and reports and study for exams in really short amounts of time (and do well). I got through uni largely by cramming everything into the weeks before the exams (...mostly because I don't take in information well in lectures and used to come out of almost every one going 'wtf was that even about?') but I was pretty good at doing that, and without doing a single late night. And I've done some jobs where other people really struggle because they get bored or lonely and in contrast I've been quite happy. I worked nightshifts stocking shelves in a couple of jobs and it had a really high staff turnover rate-people quit all the time because they couldn't handle the environment, but I loved it (it was so quiet, and you hardly had to talk to anyone, and I got to do so much organising).


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11 Jul 2019, 1:44 am

...You know, I've sort of circled back to using the term " Asperger's " again 8O ! 8) :lol:

Renal kidney failure, congestive heart failure, COPD. Can't really get up from a floor position unhelped anymore:-(.
One of the walking wounded ~ SMASHED DOWN by life and age, now prevented from even expressing myself! SOB.
" Oh, no! First you have to PROVE you deserve to go away to college! " ~ My mother, 1978 (the heyday of Andy Gibb and Player). I would still like to go.:-(
My life destroyed by Thorazine and Mellaril - and rape - and the Psychiatric/Industrial Complex. SOB:-(! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!


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11 Jul 2019, 2:22 pm

Why Aspie can’t handle things like NT can?

Basically we handle life on manual control and they can do well on automatic pilot. This might be helpful; ... e_2017.pdf