I have no idea if this is an ASD thing or an ADD thing since this is about routine and difficulty with change.
I notice if I change anything on my route, I will miss a task or a step. This happens if I am interrupted and ask to do something else which is very rare or when something gets added to my schedule because someone called in sick or went on vacation. I rarely have to cover a task for another person. But whenever my boss decides to change my route or schedule occasionally, it throws me off and I forget to do stuff.
Today I forgot to do the east side daycare. I thought I did it but I apparently didn't do it because my boss had called me. I was wondering how I got done so early. What happened was he changed my route and I had to do the daycares first but kids were still in them so I went and did the basement instead as I normally did. I do my route a little different sticking to the new schedule but I somehow didn't do the wast side daycare and went to the west side instead. My boss totally understands and had my co workers do it for me, the trashing, recycling and the compost.
If you change my routine, I will then f**k up because I will forget to do some tasks.
I have thought about getting different copies of my schedule and crossing each task off I do but the only thing is remembering to grab my pen and my schedule and cross off.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.