kraftiekortie wrote:
I can't say that I would advocate "giving up" in most instances. Because while "pushing yourself" could have a price, this same "push" also provides one with substance and knowledge.
I don't advocate for "giving up" either. People do what they truly have to do, even though it takes a toll on them. The challenge is to determine priorities, and to know which things are worth fighting for. Being resilient and pushing forward to uncomfortable situations might be worth it, or it might be detrimental in the long term. You have to look at the risk vs. benefit of what you're pushed to do.
In my case, I get tired of being applauded for my resilience. I know that people mean well, but they have no idea how much pain and suffering has led me to persevere in the ways that I do. I'd gladly surrender my fortitude if I could stop the flashbacks and trauma which helped me be so strong.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.