madbutnotmad wrote:
some of my friends are odd, whom i met at an Autism Support drop in centre
they are odd in the same way i am, or in a similar way.
I do have a couple of other close friends, who i see sporadically. One who i have known 30 years.
I think that when it comes to people with low income / low social status.
It is hard to stay in social circles because of the cost. In short, it is impossible to keep up with the spending
of even a fairly lowly paid individual. Especially if you have interests which take a great deal of your money.
Due to low income and low social status, i have over the years ended up hanging out with other people who are either more messed up than i am or people of a considerably low IQ. This, i am afraid is what happens to people with Asperger syndrome. as many of the other people with ASD who are low functioning aren't always great company due to their lower IQs (hard to keep up with some conversation).
That's the problem with Asperger Syndrome. As we can be bright, if not brighter than normal.
But are unable to fit in with people of the same IQ who are normal, as most the people with the same IQs are
employed in decent jobs which pay half decent money, and have a different lifestyle to us.
just the way that is really.
sucks. but there are pros and cons to all situations
You mention something interesting there in that when I was in school most people I found apart from the odd person, the few I could class as friends tended to have low IQ's and I enjoyed their company as they did me, but it was rare for me to find friends in my own or above my own IQ level. The problem with this is that I tended to be in different school classes to my friends... So in a way it was a bit lonely as I mixed with my friends but found I didn't get so close to my classmates... There was one and fortunately, though his IQ was generally average where I was just slightly above average, so most of his classes were in a group lower then mine, we did share the same registration form. He worked his way up in the medical field. I habe not seen him in years!