"People with autism are just trying to cover his laziness"
"People with autism are just trying to cover his shyness"
"People with autism are psycopaths, they dont have feelings"
"People with autism are mentally ret*d like those with down syndrome"
"People with autism have a disease and need to be cure"
"People with autism are so damn idiots than sometimes cant even be sure what are his attractions(male,female,asexual)", this is one of the worse i have heard.
"Autism is just something people made up to throw all his misbehavior at, but they just need to try harder and it will be gone"
"Autistic persons are useless, they cant even achieve in life"
"Getting an autistic kid is one of the worse thing can happen to you"
They often tell me, the ones that dont know me well, and found that about my asperger.
"You dont have asperger, because asperger is autism and if you had autism, you would be like that man from rainman"
The one that really bothered me back and still right now, is one that my school teacher said to me, and then call my fathers and told them in front of my whole class, they bothered me with that until i got a change of school, but in college i encountered with some of my old school mates, and they started with that for a time, until a friend of mine that is kinda rude, and i explained math, told them to stop or he was going to beat the s**t out of them.
She just called me crazy,ret*d,weird,and because of her, i needed to do an IQ test when i was a kid, and even that i got 168 in my iq test, she didnt change her mind, she just tell that it was luck, that i was a crazy kid, a ret*d one, a useless, even right now, i dont know what the heck did i do to make her that mad at me.
She just said that because i was constantly playing in the corner of the class with my pencils, talking alone, stimming, drawing, not putting attention on classes, and because sometimes when she was talking to me i corrected her.
I dont really see where is the crazy things in doing this.
So for me, the worse ignorant comments i could hear in my entire life is, You are ret*d, You are crazy, You are useless,You are weird, and this one are the most common.
Last edited by rixxar12 on 21 Oct 2012, 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.