Do any of you sometimes feel like you have autism?

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30 Aug 2019, 10:30 pm

I was diagnosed approximately a year ago with ASD level 1 (or what would have been best known as Asperger’s Syndrome before the DSM 5) and I feel like this diagnosis is accurate sometimes and other times it feels like it’s not. For example, when I’m with my friends socializing (yes, I do have friends), I feel like I am not on the spectrum. But when I have trouble meeting people, talking to friends and or family, or interacting appropriately, I feel like I have it. It’s like I can only see myself with the diagnosis when I’m displaying those specific characteristics but I’m able to mask my autism side and be neurotypical when I need to. Does anyone else experience this?

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30 Aug 2019, 10:36 pm

Yes! It's like that sometimes. I had a similar diagnosis--very low levels.

The thing is, I can pass as a quirky NT most of the time. But so much of what I do has been shaped by autistic stuff and I can't handle deep bass or fluorescent lamps so there's a reason I know it did actually exist.

It's like that sometimes. By the way, welcome to Wrong Planet. Glad to have you with us!

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30 Aug 2019, 11:15 pm

I don't know my level since I was diagnosed with HFA back in 2005. When I'm at home with my flatmate (she's autistic as well), I don't feel like I have a disorder or condition that makes me different.

But when I go outside of my house and interact with other people, I feel autistic then.

I've recently started volunteering at a second hand shop and there's been a few misunderstandings. There was a boss there who kept giving me instructions that were overly complicated so I kept having to go back to her and ask her to repeat what she said. She'd get exasperated and say that no one else needed to do what I did. Good thing is, she left her job last Friday. The new boss is a lot better.

I've said a few things to other volunteers at the shop that have gotten huh? reactions and I've gotten embarrassed and felt like I've said too much. :oops: Well it's done now!


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31 Aug 2019, 4:50 am

There are a lot of things that make me feel like I don't have AS, such as:-

I have the ability to use lies to be tactful or modest
I am driven and affected by people's feelings
I don't seem to lack TOM or ability to recognize body language, tone of voice or facial expressions
I can take a joke and I have a good sense of humour
I make eye contact
I am good at communication in the workplace
I like being around people and socializing
I have an interest in gossip
I can multitask on things like talking on the phone whilst safely crossing the street, or doing a task whilst listening to a conversation
I don't flap my hands or rock, if I do stim it's more socially acceptable/NT stims
Social approval is important to me
I am not affected by bright light or smells
I can naturally cope in a relationship and I'm rather skilled at expressing love to my (NT) boyfriend and expressing my feelings and making mutual decisions
I have a close bond with my boyfriend and my family
I dislike repetitive tasks

Anyway, there are probably a few more autism traits I don't have enough to make me wonder about my diagnosis....but then there are traits that I DO have that I can't deny, like:-

I hate certain loud noises
I get stressed or irritable in crowds
Small stupid things can make me highly anxious
I do crave time to myself too
I am happy working in a laid-back, predictable environment
I can talk excessively (not about interests though)
I don't have very good hand co-ordination
I often look nervous a lot of the time
I don't ask many questions in a conversation (I need to work on this)
I don't have any piercings or tattoos, and I've never dyed my hair
I can be ecstatic, like an excited child (but I do have ADHD). This annoys people, which I am aware of but it's an impulsive thing
I can have strange thoughts or feelings, like being secretly upset if someone has a clothing tag showing
I have an unusually close 'relationship' with my teddy bear (luckily my boyfriend doesn't judge me for this)
I often find it hard to get motivated
I don't really make friends that easily

I can't think of anything else but there are probably some more traits that I do have. I don't seem to have as many traits as I used to have.



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31 Aug 2019, 10:05 am

Thank you guys for all the replies so far! It’s good knowing I’m not completely alone lol. I feel that I don’t have the symptoms sometimes. For example, I can lie, I’m good at socializing in a professional setting, I enjoy social interaction/ social approval, and i do not have the typical hand flapping or rocking self-stimulatory behaviors, although I do pace awkwardly and excessively in public and feel a need to do so to obtain stimulation. I also am in my “own world” while doing this and have been judged by many that it looks “awkward”. I do have some characteristics though such as a need for structure/ routine, difficulty with change of plans (getting better though) not understanding others perspectives, not responding to others, relatively monotone voice, awkward gait, bad coordination, too blunt, difficulty with figures of speech, literal interpretations, preservations and focus on interest, and more probably. But I can pass as NT when I need to which makes me question my diagnosis

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