I totally agree with you, dude. The thing about the Bible is that it is sooooooooo hypocritical. It says in the Bible to love everybody, yet being gay or “feeling lust outside the contexts of marriage” is a sin.
1. When the Bible was written, people didn’t really understand how people become homosexual
2. At that time, people were getting married when they were 12-14 years old. Now, the time you start feeling horny hasn’t changed, but the normal time to get married has, yet people still want you to save yourself for marriage. Basically talking against a normal, bodily function(I’m not encouraging anyone to have sex if they’re not ready. I’m mainly talking about masturbation).
From what I’ve heard, there’s also things in there about slavery and other things that should be left thousands of years in the past. Luckily, religious people ignore those, but still.
Early 20s male with Asperger’s and what feels like a mood disorder