aquafelix wrote:
Will you read anything and still like it. What about tax law?
I think that's where I'd distinguish hyperlexia (assuming that's what it is) from pleasurable reading or researching a special interest. When I feel compelled to read words it seems like it might be a form of mental stimming, or an innate diversion tactic to block out stress. When I'm doing that kind of reading, the meaning of the words is almost irrelevant, and I treat the words almost like "toys" for my mind to play with just for the patterns that the printed letters and sounds make - as if the words are a purely sensory experience like looking at an abstract painting or listening to instrumental music.
Even when I am reading for pleasure or research, I can find myself slipping into reading that way. I'll remember favourite words or grammatical forms from what I've just read, but only after several pages realise that I haven't taken in any of the plot or information that the words described. When I find myself reading the labels on random product packaging etc., I'll even do it with foreign language translations that I haven't a hope of understanding.
I draw the line at reading EULA's when I'm installing PC software, though!
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.