skibum wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
It is bad advice, as well as "get over it" and "wish I had your problems". Bea Arthur used to say these in her posts and it often made some of us (including me) feel belittled. I don't take harsh logic very well. I'm an emotional being and I look at the world in an emotional way.
Those kinds of comments are extremely invalidating.
Agreed, though I'm rather convinced that most people at least
think that way when someone complains of a problem they have that feels very small to them. I know I do. Still, the post isn't really the right place to complain about it,
especially if it's in the haven.
So what advice do you all want to receive?
Or do you all even want any advice in the first place?
I'm only speaking for me here, but personally I'd want concrete advice on
how to "get on with it." Most of us (?) know when we need a kick in the rear and start doing stuff, but we often don't know
how, so we need some concrete exambles. One can be strict when giving them (in my opinion at last), but must remember manners. Also, when someone doesn't get what you're saying, either try to clarify or drop it. Don't say stuff like "you should be able to understand this"; that's not helpful.
But again, only speaking on my own behalf here.