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02 Dec 2019, 4:03 pm

I have very little . That might be due more to the schizoaffective than the Asperger's . I've always struggled to think of goals .


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02 Dec 2019, 5:47 pm

I don't really have all that much ambition.

My only ambition when I was 18 was moving out of my mother's house and getting my own place.

I didn't care about college/university, a career. I just wanted to be out on my own.


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02 Dec 2019, 5:57 pm

I don’t know. It depends on the day, the week, the month, the year...


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02 Dec 2019, 6:48 pm

I can definitely tell that I'm not goal-oriented nor visionary type of ambitious.

Otherwise, inconsistent in terms of what I want really even knowing what it is.

It doesn't help my motivational fuel tank is very fickle and changes it's own recipe, my goal compass doesn't work as it should and my idea of success and achievement differs from most.

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02 Dec 2019, 7:54 pm

My ambition can be equally destructive and beneficial. I have a tendency to be overly harsh towards myself, something I try to keep in check. Sometimes I struggle to set myself goals because my aims are too vague. However, I dislike not having a goal. I become bored quite easily. A lot. My tendency towards boredom is something that actually motivates me. I need something to occupy my mind or I go a little stir-crazy. When I break up for my summer holidays, I often experience a significant drop in my mood. I actually miss the work. Granted, I complain about it during term time. Despite the fact that I know that when summer comes around I'll look at those busy days fondly.

I sometimes underestimate how long things will take and attempt too much. For example, I once got an assignment where we got to design our own brief and create whatever product we wanted. Did I decide to do something easy? Well, I could've done but no I just had to complicate things. :roll: I got a good grade on it, but I was still unhappy with the end result. Due to time limits I wasn't able to add all the features that I wanted. I am especially harsh when it comes to my own work, and sometimes it holds me back. (Procrastinating on something because I know that I can't get it up to the standard I desire at the time being, because I haven't fully developed a certain skill. Alternatively, sticking with what I know because although the other option could greatly improve my work it's risky and I might mess up on it. Consider both together and it becomes clear that it is a self-destructive cycle).

Usually I find it harder to finish than start since it means finally having to leave my work alone. I can easily tinker with things for way too long if I'm not careful.

Also, I've noticed that when my sinuses clear up my productivity increases dramatically. I have chronic sinusitis and I'm so used to it that it's actually a shock whenever I go somewhere with especially clear clean air. My brain usually feels a bit foggy most of the time, and when that fog clears my thoughts suddenly become faster and sharper. I almost feel like an entirely different person. Occasionally I'll have days like that. I'll wake up and just know that it's going to be one of those days. Shame they don't happen more often.

My dad has noticed the same thing about himself. He tends to make better inventions and think more clearly when his sinusitis lessens since his brain feels less foggy during these times. I don't know if this is just correlation, or if there's something to this concept. :?

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02 Dec 2019, 8:00 pm

I have little ambition these days. I hope to one day have my own place. Ideally I'd be able to pay for it myself instead of getting help from my parents or the government, but I don't know how realistic that is since I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to work even a part-time job, let alone one that would pay enough to support myself on. All I really want is to not be a burden to anyone, and that's about all the ambition I've got. Granted for me, I suppose that is pretty ambitious.

Yet in my new wildness and freedom I almost welcome the bitterness of alienage. For although nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.
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02 Dec 2019, 8:23 pm

Very little, my ambitions are just pie in the sky stuff like wanting to ride to places on my bicycle. I wanted to ride to India for a long time but the short tours that I have made have been a comedy of errors. Scaling those type of dreams down doesn't feel painful at all. I can't think more than one or two steps ahead so I just muddle along and hope for the best. My current ambitions don't extend beyond being OK over the winter months and maybe seeing a few friends.


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02 Dec 2019, 8:34 pm

Before structural engineering, workaholic

After, lazy

The cost is higher for me than most precious lil "people"

The benefit is lower

Sunk costs

Effort justification


Opportunity cost


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02 Dec 2019, 11:04 pm

I have zero ambition. Though I would like to find friends and a SO.


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02 Dec 2019, 11:23 pm

Very little. It's a frequent psychological battle for me. I have a desire to want to do nothing as well as having little if any desire to accomplish anything. Based on life experiences I've had, I'm wise enough to know that such a desire for me wouldn't be healthy. Also, I'm responsible for and obligated to my family so that's a necessary motivator. My desires in life are very basic so when they're met I don't have strong ambition to achieve goals far beyond what I'm content with.


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02 Dec 2019, 11:50 pm

I am very ambitious, but recently it seems like it's not in the "right" ways, or I may not have the skills. I am overly optimistic, but if even a bit of what I aspire to happens, that's good. On a small scale, I will schedule 4 events for a Saturday and get to 1. On a large scale, after I finish with engineering, I would like two more careers (writing? acting? painting?). My NT husband is not ambitious.

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03 Dec 2019, 12:23 am

Deep down i never really believed i could achieve great things. When you struggle with the most basic interactions and feel ignored by everyone it also tends to kill your ambition.


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03 Dec 2019, 6:48 am

I have a lot but I feel like it harms me. I have very lofty for my goals that I will fight tooth and nail to achieve as well as being extremely competitive which can help me move forward. However downside is I am a perfectionist and constantly compare myself to others so until I am either the best or close to it my ambition makes my life very painful. However, without it I don't think I would be making much of myself.


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03 Dec 2019, 8:27 am

When it comes to career, not so much. I'm satisfied as long as I can make a living and gather some savings... though I am trying to become a published author and have that as a side income source, so maybe that'd count as a career ambtion?

As for other things, well, I'm trying to get better at my hobbies and I hope that I'll one day have a child (or several of them) that I'll be able to raise in to a decent person. But that's about it.


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03 Dec 2019, 8:36 am

^Those are all really cool.


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03 Dec 2019, 1:41 pm

I have a lot of ambition. I'm always working on some project. I'm also planning to look for a part time job in the spring time. I've also gotten my mind out of Nazi Germany and back into the British 60s this year. That's pretty ambitious.

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