skibum wrote:
billiscool! Need we say more?!

I have actually met one other Aspie adult and one suspected Aspie adult, both males. They were both extremely cool and very likable non creepy guys. They had their quirks but they were definitely not creepy at all. So you are not the only one. There are probably more of you guys out there than you think.
I"ve been called weird plenty of times, but never creepy. Annoying, intense, strange, quirky, "too hip for the room (meaning 'your references are so obscure, nobody knows what you're talking about')," condescending, "too smart" (as if such a thing were possible), aloof, standoffish, and of course argumentative, uncooperative and intentionally obtuse - but never creepy.
Of course being adorably cute certainly helped.
Unfortunately, I've outgrown that.