Higher growth hormone levels: physiological effects?

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13 Aug 2007, 10:23 am

I've got remarkably well-developed legs, particularly, and I have the peculiar ability to bend and stretch them in ways that make most people's stomachs churn. I never really stretch or exercise them, though: they're just like that. I've also got remarkable flexibility in my back and elsewhere in my body, and I can bend my fingers in ways that tend to upset people. I have very sparse body hair, though, which is a little bit peculiar in light of my extremely undeserved physical development, but, taken with my fair skin, it might indicate either low levels of adrenocorticotropic hormone or, to a lesser degree, high levels of prolactin that may be caused by my extraordinarily high serotonin levels (which could also explain some of my oddball paraphilias and the fact that I spend most of my time in something of a serotonin-induced daydream). Would high growth hormone levels do this? I suspect so because 1) my mind doesn't seem to respond to hunger even after a couple of weeks' food deprivation, which implies normally low cortisol levels, and 2) I seem to eat like a ravenous beast from Hell when I do, which suggests hunger mediated by the growth hormone, somatotropin. This may also explain why I have a propensity to break out into mad, scenery-warping sprints when food happens to be involved (I can attain cheetah-like speeds kinda due to my excessive concentration on how my feet move in relation to the ground. I love to sprint anytime. I hate to run unless food is involved. When food is involved, it's like I'm some movement machine that doesn't stop). Is my understanding of the chemistry at work here correct?


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13 Aug 2007, 1:59 pm

lol im no authority there

but i do have creepily flexible wrists and hands.... can lay some of my fingers flat on my inner wrist up a lil past the first joint

dunno bout the other stuff :?

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