When I first found out I was Autistic seven years ago, this site was the most helpful resource I found. I learned so much and got incredible help here.
We are just a group of people who are either Autistic ourselves, who have Autistic loved ones, or who are interested in the subject. We are not professionals, some are, but we do not advise in a professional capacity on this site. That is not what this site is for. You can basically think of this site as just regular people hanging out together who are Autistic or who are associated with Autism in one way or another. You don't criticize a group of people just hanging out talking together about things they are interested in talking about and sharing their personal experiences. Even if people say things that are wrong, no one is being forced to believe them or to adhere to what they say.
I have learned lots of incredible things here about myself and about the spectrum in general. I have also read posts that were complete hogwash and made no sense whatsoever. But that is how it is in any social setting of people just talking to each other. If someone posts something that you think is ridiculous, just ignore it and move on. You can also state your opinion about it but you don't have to accept it as truth or as anything if you don't want to. That is completely up to you. If you read a post that you are not sure about, do the research about it yourself. But there are many posts that are extremely insightful and very helpful. But no one is forcing anyone to accept everything that is being said.
"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."
Wreck It Ralph