I don't tend to interact with children much. There was a young girl who pushed in front of everyone in a line I was in for a water-slide once, she yelled "I'm more important than you!" and barged through. However, that was simply aimed at everyone rather than just me.
When children are walking along with a parent/their parents they tend to be polite to me. Usually the parent tells the child to "let the young lady through" or to apologise to me, and sometimes the parent does so if the child is blocking my path.
On a few occasions I've walked around inside a shop and unintentionally acquired a confused toddler. In one situation I felt a small pull on my jeans and looked down to see a toddler who had attached itself to me. So I walked around the shop trying to find the child's mother. Thankfully it didn't take long and she apologised then put them in a pram.
I used to see my cousin a little more often when he was younger. He's ten now. Anyway, he never treated me with disdain. Except one time when he called me a wuss. Usually we got on alright, he tended to play independently but sometimes he'd get me to pretend to be an evil spy or show me a project he'd been working on.
A few times I've had kids ask me "what's with your face?" since I have a faint scar. This tends to be out of pure curiosity rather than trying to be rude. However, most people don't tend to notice, you have to either be fairly close to me and/or quite perceptive. When I have a tan it stands out a bit more. If a kid is quite young, then I don't go into the gory details when telling them how it happened. However, if they are a bit older then I'll ask them if they want to know all the details or not. I'm almost always asked for the story when someone notices the scar. Sometimes I've known people for years who suddenly notice, and others either never do or just don't say anything.
However, teenagers on the other hand...they've shown me disdain before. I annoyed a seventeen year old at one point since I got certain video games mixed up. Also, I've agitated teenagers before by using outdated internet jokes. I'd say I'm no longer cool, but I don't think I ever was.
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25. Near the spectrum but not on it.