Do You Prefer Dressing For Comfort? And Washing Powders?

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Mountain Goat

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04 Mar 2020, 6:35 pm

Ok, I have never been fasionable, but I have always preferred old worn out but comfortable clothing as new clothing can be soo uncomfortable with scratchy labels (Tags) which I have to rip out, and my Mum then sees the hole where the tag was and says "Why didn't you cut it off?" I once did and had an even more irratable surface then it was when it was a full label.
I tend to wear my clothes until there are more holes then clothing. Well... Almost! Hahaha! But I get soo irratable when I have scratchy clothes.

Another issue is there are very few washing powders that my Mum can buy because I end up not being able to wear the clothes. I will be red with scratching for ages if she the wrong washing powders are used! There are very few we can use.


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04 Mar 2020, 6:57 pm

I like to be trendy but I also like to be comfortable. I can't stand labels either, even though they don't always itch I still hate the sight of them. They just make me feel nauseas for some reason, you know like how people feel sick when they see poop or vomit or whatever? I get the same feeling when I see labels. One time I cut a label out of one of my hoodies, and I physically wretched while I was doing it, and didn't eat for hours.

I've got some underpants that are brilliant, but I don't know where they're from, as I got them one Christmas as a gift. They are pure cotton and have no labels, instead they each have the washing instructions and stuff printed inside. So no labels and they are 100% comfortable.

Now why can't ALL clothing have that? Why does everything have to have a label? And it isn't always just a comfortable neat label - some have big long labels or several labels, or labels made from a really scratchy material (usually in sports clothes like Adidas).


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04 Mar 2020, 7:06 pm

Joe90 wrote:
I like to be trendy but I also like to be comfortable. I can't stand labels either, even though they don't always itch I still hate the sight of them. They just make me feel nauseas for some reason, you know like how people feel sick when they see poop or vomit or whatever? I get the same feeling when I see labels. One time I cut a label out of one of my hoodies, and I physically wretched while I was doing it, and didn't eat for hours.

I've got some underpants that are brilliant, but I don't know where they're from, as I got them one Christmas as a gift. They are pure cotton and have no labels, instead they each have the washing instructions and stuff printed inside. So no labels and they are 100% comfortable.

Now why can't ALL clothing have that? Why does everything have to have a label? And it isn't always just a comfortable neat label - some have big long labels or several labels, or labels made from a really scratchy material (usually in sports clothes like Adidas).

I find the more expensive high fadion sports clothes... Well. I can't wear them as they irritate me even though I can remove the labels.


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04 Mar 2020, 7:57 pm

I prefer liquid detergent to powders. I generally buy unscented because I’m sensitive to fragrances.

I’m tall and fat, so I’m grateful for any clothes that fit.

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04 Mar 2020, 9:44 pm

I absolutely always dress for comfort, and don't really care about fashion. Soft cotton shirts (no labels of course), jeans, and comfy shoes. I can't endure any kind of itchy or scratchy fabric, or tight clothing, and don't like bright colors either. I found one brand of liquid laundry soap that's unscented and doesn't make me itch, so that's the only kind I buy.


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04 Mar 2020, 9:52 pm

A lot of my clothes are from the thrift store. I have some newish pants, got them new because my mom got me a couple pairs that didn't fit so I returned them for store credit to get different ones. But usually I just browse thrift stores for most of my clothes.

Most of the new clothes I buy are t-shirts or hoodies of bands I like, underwear and socks or if someone gifts me clothes and I have to take them back to get something that fits better. But especially working at a thrift store I see that lots of cool stuff comes through sometimes.

Interestingly enough a lot of the band shirts and the last hoodie I got had tear away tags, that are easy to tear all the way out without damaging the shirt. Other then that if you do want to rip the tags out and avoid holes, without leaving the scratchy bit that cutting them leaves perhaps you might invest in one of these:

You can just rip the threads holding the tag out and it will do less damage than just tearing them out. I should probably use one more but usually I still just rip problematic tags out,

And wasn't sure what 'washing powder' is but I assume its what I'd call laundry detergent, anyways I don't seem to have a lot of sensitivity to that. Then again I do get itchy a lot but seems mostly prevalent in the winter so I've figured its the cold weather rather than what I wash my clothes with.

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05 Mar 2020, 2:22 am

I have never really been able to have scented anything without getting a rash. I can use deodorant, but before I ceased shaving my body hair-- mostly because at eighteen, I realized the pointlessness of the female primping as why would I want to tend to my body when I could tend to my mind and what I was actually interested in?-- I would get rashes in my armpits. My hair protects me now. Very good. It is meant to be there. I have always only been able to use Tide unscented liquid soap otherwise I will get very itchy. My Mommy was worried that I would not be able to use any other washing soaps except for Tide, but I can use any unscented soap except for Gain and I find the soap that is marketed for babies to be very kind to my skin.

I get itchy from certain textures to. If an unfavorable blanket touches me while I am sleeping, I will wake up slightly, half lucid and start saying itchy over and over again and then rip off the sheet from the bed and wrap myself in it to keep me away from the itchy blanket and then eventually, I would just fall back asleep. My ex boyfriend called these times my itchy meltdowns.

I usually wear comfortable clothes, but it is still my very specific way of dressing, which is always very colorful and magical and almost always consists of five possible formulas: 1. leggings, skirt, comfy shirt, and sweater, flannel, or hoodie; 2. long skirt, comfy shirt, and sweater, flannel, or hoodie; 3. pretty dress with leggings, and sweater flannel or hoodie; 4. skirt or dress, knee socks, and sweater, flannel, or hoodie; 5. shorts, comfy shirt, and sweater, flannel, or hoodie.

Ocassionally, I have found that a pair of leggings is not actually comfortable and I will have the overwhelming need to take them off the moment I come home. I also do not rip or cut out tags as much as I used to when I was younger-- when I was little, nothing could have a tag-- but it is now only specific tags or tags that are on the side of a shirt that overwhelm me.

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05 Mar 2020, 2:30 am

WildColonial wrote:
I prefer liquid detergent to powders. I generally buy unscented because I’m sensitive to fragrances.

I am sensitive to fragrances too! I have always been very sensitive to anything that smells; I do not get as many rashes now-- this past year has been mostly rash free which is quite interesting-- but when I was little, I would be constantly scratching and making my skin bleed because I would just have these enormous red patches. I was diagnosed with psoriasis when I was fifteen, but I think that it may have just been an allergic reaction or a texture sensitivity reaction...

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05 Mar 2020, 2:47 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
A lot of my clothes are from the thrift store. I have some newish pants, got them new because my mom got me a couple pairs that didn't fit so I returned them for store credit to get different ones. But usually I just browse thrift stores for most of my clothes.

yess....that's how you do it. thrift shoppers of the world - unite

i have been making a habit of visiting the local secondhand store lately, they have an odd schedule, open only every other day, BUT it is different each time. i've already got a cool hat and VERY neat paisley shirt there.

i wear what i like and what is comfortable - it's not intentional but i end up getting a lot of compliments on my clothes too which i appreciate. lately i have started to realize the importance of not looking like a total slob who rolled out of bed - good thing i can take care of that without too much effort.

if i am ever gifted something i will wear the s**t out of it

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05 Mar 2020, 3:57 am

^Charity-shop dresser here!
(I think that’s the British equivalent of thrift-store dressing...)
Definitely feel more comfortable in clothes that have been worn-in a bit already, and natural fibres are a must: my wardrobe is pretty much exclusively cotton and wool. Artificial fabrics lead to excessive sweating even in winter.
Always found the side-seam tags in shirts and t-shirts the worst, these days however most of my shirts are second-hand designer ones that have dinky fabric labels just under the collar, which I can live with. British supermarkets have taken to stocking t-shirts with the label information printed on the inside with no tag recently: which is awesome :D
I alternate between loose and comfy clothing: usually pyjama trousers or army surplus trousers with t-shirts that are a size too big, and a range of mismatched formal suit ensembles depending on occasion.
Can’t stand denim but have to wear denim work trousers on jobs: so they’re two sizes too big and held up with a belt... helps keep those nasty seams away from me.
Unscented non-bio washing liquid only, and I can’t do anti-bacterial soap: gives me mild but super-itchy psoriasis.

Also have a metal band watch because leather against skin is not a pleasant experience.


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05 Mar 2020, 4:13 am

I've always dressed for comfort, my mum calls my style "androgynous". I have lots of comfortable shirts and hoodies. I always wear pants or 3/4 pants. Mostly second-hand. I volunteer at an op-shop (as they're called in Western Australia) and often see cool clothes come through.

I use scented washing liquid because I like the clean smell. I don't have any skin allergies like I used to as a kid so that's a bonus.

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05 Mar 2020, 4:39 am

Denim... That is jeans? Ooh. I don't like wearing denim and once when on a course I had to. I would get red legs from the trousers rubbing on me.

Also, blankets... Not quite as sensitive to wool as I was but worn woll I can wear. However, my grandmother would knit me wooly jumpers when I was young (Or someone would buy one) and I would be wearing a shirt and a vest and I was still irritated by the jumper as I could feel it through the other layers!
Having said that, some wools I only need one layer under them to act as a barrier and as they start to wear out they do become rather comfortable, and as I wear things out to the extreme, the last wooly jumper my Grandmother knitted for me several years before she passed away I wore, and wore and wore and it was still good even though my Mum hid it from me and it ended up stretching to almost twice its size! The doggie had it in its bed! I once took it from the dog to bring it back into service but my Mum had other plans!

I thought I wore clothes out to the extreme. Well... I have a friend. He stayed the night once as we were all due to attend a wedding the next day and we had to start out early. He rarely ever has a bath or a shower, but that night he had a shower. I used to have a suit that fit me in those days, and we also found one that fit him. (Several suits came our way in those days as a few people no longer wanted them as they had passed away so could ot wear them any more).
Anyway. My Mum asked him "Have you got socks?" He said "Yes, I've got socks". We thought nothing of it. We went to the wedding. While we were standing just outside the church having photographs taken (It was not my wedding! I have not been married. Almost was once though!) and my Mum looked down she saw his socks. Uhmmm. The only part of his socks that was left was the rings of elastic at the top and a little bit of material hanging down from them. "Yes, I've got socks!! !" Hahahahaha!
I have some interesting friends. :P (Actually saw him yesterday evening to check he is ok. Not seen him for a few months. He is doing ok :) ).


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05 Mar 2020, 5:50 am

90% of my wardrobe consists of hoodies, t-shirts and jogging pants. Mostly in varying shades of blue, grey and black.


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05 Mar 2020, 12:26 pm

I definitely dress for comfort whenever possible. For me to say I'm very picky about my clothes would be a huge understatement. I love graphic t-shirts but I find certain brands too stiff even if I wash them multiple times but fortunately I found a few websites I can purchase tops that are comfortable for me. I have a specific kind of pants I wear all the time but I fear they have been discontinued so I don't know what I'll do but I'll have to figure something out eventually. I do also like buying clothes on eBay because if they are pre-owned, they are often softer than if they are new. I've noticed that the underwear I buy doesn't have tags anymore and they are just the basic kind you can get at Target and places like that in a package for around $10 and you get 5 or 6 pairs but the label is printed on and not a tag which is cool.

For detergent and stuff, I just use whatever my mom buys. She has lately been buying those Tide Pods and they are fine if I use fabric softener as well in both the washer and dryer.

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05 Mar 2020, 4:07 pm

A few ladies have mentioned wearing pants. Is this Y fronts? Here in the UK the womens versions are called knickers. Is confusing the terms being different between countries. I wear Y fronts but I have to buy them a few sizes too large so the elastic does not bother me. Boxers are too tight and rigid, and briefs? I am sure they were designed by single women who do not take into account that mens parts grow. I have never been able to wear briefs!


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05 Mar 2020, 4:35 pm

I'm kind of in-between. I like cotton clothes best, but they look washed out very quickly after a few washes. So I could look smart, but I'm a faded, crumpled cotton type of smart.

I used Method laundry liquid and EcoVer fabric softener. I also used Method cleaner around the house. It's expensive, but lasts ages. Smells good, but is gentle and made from more natural products than say Flash. It's also meant to be more environmentally friendly.