Hi all!!
My name is Qisheng Li (my professional website:
homes.cs.washington.edu/~liqs/), a researcher (Ph.D. student) at the University of Washington. My colleague and I are studying how we can improve the design of online tests/experiments and their discussion on forums, like Wrong Planet, to better support communication within the related communities. By
online experiments, we mean recreational tests where you usually receive results compared to others or about yourself (one example is the
the Social Intelligence Test (socialintelligence.labinthewild.org/mite) created by our research lab - website:
labinthewild.org), as well as more formal tests such as RDOS (although our focus is more on the recreational ones).
If you have taken, seen and/or shared such online experiments to quantify how your experience with autism, Asperger's, ADHD or other psychological conditions affects your life or compares to the experience with others, we would love to invite you to participate in our interview study and help us design more inclusive technology!
We are particularly interested in more participants who have not been formally diagnosed with any suspected disorders, but everyone is welcomed.Our interview will take around 30 min (remotely), and you will be compensated with a
$10 Amazon gift card! If you are interested, please fill out our sign-up survey by copying the following URL to your web browser:
forms.gle/mfdA1jE7mnYd6YaDA We will go through the survey results very soon and let you know how to RSVP for a time slot if you are selected for the study! Feel free to reply to the post or send me an email (
[email protected]) if you have any questions/concerns!
P.S. We have interviewed 12 people recruited from Reddit, and would love to hear your voice as well.
Sorry that I can't post URLs as a new user, so please copy the URLs to your web browsers to see my website, the studies created by our lab, the sign-up form, etc. I have already asked the moderator to help me edit the post to include clickable URLs later.
Could you please post a copy of your human subjects review board approval for this research?