MollyTroubletail wrote:
What are some of your non-realistic fears?
Guns, even obviously unloaded ones.
Opening mail, especially from friends.
Seeing myself in a mirror.
A blinking red light, in the dark. Red only.
Alarm clocks going off.
Showering instead of taking a bath.
Cold water.
Cold weather.
Cold feet.
Being flirted with, in person not online, and only by men not women.
Going to work.
Being at work.
Team sports.
Public speaking.
Getting mad and losing control of myself.
Having bad breath, for no reason.
People looking or staring at me, even in a complimentary way.
Being the center of attention for any reason.
Being constantly misunderstood no matter how plainly I try to speak.
Being rejected.
Being abandoned.
Being homeless.
Going to prison.
OK.. My fears bellow.
Bare feet.
Not getting my point across.
Turning the lighter switch on, on the cooker without a towl (even though it isn't going to burn me).
Developing diabeties or epilepsy.
Something that might hurt (even only slightly)
Shooting a bow & Arrow (for some reason I feel like it's going to hit me instead of were it's sipposed to, even though that's silly).
The word skin.
Being touched.
Going somewhere new (afraid I'll male a fool of myself).
These are just a few of my many irational fears.