IsabellaLinton wrote:
I've never taken Prozac but I certainly agree that some pmeds work wonders for some people. The best for me was a microdose of Zoloft or a microdose of Trintellix. Now I quit them and I take ADHD stimulants instead, along with Prazosin which controls PTSD nightmares / anxiety.
I had very bad experiences on Citalopram, Remeron, and Paxil.
Thanks for your input, Is. PTSD nightmares and anxiety have long haunted me. The prozac has removed all fear of them now, and I seem to be able to control my dreams, and can always escape being harmed in them now, where before, it was always pretty grim. I’ve never shared my experiences of these recurrent dreams with any Doc, and have always attempted to take control of them. Never been successful of doing so, until the prozac.
A male family member was put on Citalopram at one point, many years ago now, and it had a devastating effect. That was the one drug that scared them, as their personality changed dramatically from placid to aggressive. Yes, small doses of anti-anxiety meds have been said to be beneficial for those on the spectrum. The prozac has taken away a huge amount of anxiety, that was once debilitating. Very interesting to read what is working for you, as I’m pretty sure that my attempts to take control of what was almost certainly ADD/ADHD type symptoms, involved copious amounts of coffee. Caffeine became my go to for focussing on lengthy procedures in the past, that involved intense and sustained focus, until heart palpitations became an issue.